Chapter 8Bob and Bad Rhymes

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Nico's POV

        I stared at the ceiling, wide awake. I couldn't believe what I had just dreamed. It'd been a year since I'd visited the underworld, then that dream came out of no where. I was already forgetting the dream. It was something about Bob, and he said he needed help in the Underworld, or something like that. In the morning, I'll figure it out. Right now, I needed to sleep.

Andy's POV

        In the morning, Nico looked at me. I was tired, and half asleep, so I didn't wonder why Nico didn't wake me.

        Ashley did though.

        When Nico disappeared out of the Hades cabin, Ashley shook me awake. "We need to go to breakfast!" I groaned, and changed before Ashley could get rough. The two of us followed Nico, figuring he'd lead us to breakfast. It was easy for us to get lost, but when Nico went into the Big House, we stopped.

        "This isn't the dinner pavilion," I muttered sleepily.

        "I know Mr. Obvious," Ashley turned to me.
Since we didn't know how to get to the Big House, we just waited until Nico got out. It was 6:30. How long could he take?

Nico's POV

        "No, and that's final. Will said it's too dangerous, you need to take it easy."
I stormed out of the Big House, not wanting to "take it easy". When I stepped outside, a voice called,

        "Ooh, the Ghost King!"
I looked over at Ashton and Andy, sitting playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. "What the heck are you doing here?"

        "We got lost." I scowled at Andy's sleepy response.

Andy's POV

        During breakfast, Chiron made his announcements. A tiny part of my mind that actually was rational heard what he said. Big worries, Titans are back. But the biggest worry in my mind was my hunger. I was so freaking hungry! And tired, but that doesn't matter. Nico was talking to Ashley (oooh Ashico!!!!) about something he heard. Probably gossip he heard from nymphs.

Nico's POV

        I was telling Ashton about the dream I had and the distress call when Andy starts giggling. Oh, boy, I hope this doesn't start up again. Ashley and I are related, so that doesn't really work out. I glared at Andy, and was about to explain how this related thing worked, when I heard Rachel screaming behind me. I turned and saw her collapse and double over. When Rachel stood upright, Rebekah, unclaimed for now, and Erick, son of Hebe, grabbed a tripod stool and sat Rachel on the stool. She spoke, green mist billowing another prophecy,

"The legacy, the servant, the ghost king rise
To go west when the eldest come thrice
The traitor strikes, the child departs
Betrayed by the monarch's stone heart
Death's descendant, don't seek the cold
The snow shall take a loved one's soul,"

        When Rachel collapsed, I admit I shivered. I might be the child of death, but who is the loved one? Hazel? I don't exactly love Ashton, or Andy, but they might be starting to grow on me. Then again, the prophecy might mean someone else, but that would be horrible...

Thanks to HadesPlutoNico for helping me with the prophecy and for some ideas when I had writers block! Also, sorry if the prophecy's horrible. I'm not a great prophecy writer, any ways.

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