Chapter 13Rebekah & Steff

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Rebekah's POV

"Rebekah, it's ok, I'm right here."

        And sure enough, Thanatos was there.

        I turned around in shock. There was Steff, my dead sister, and Thanatos. "Stephanie?" She glided (is that what ghosts do?) towards me and looked at me with her aquamarine eyes. We were sisters, and I'd missed her so much. We used to do everything together... Everything. Now she was here all along, it made me want to cry and laugh at the same time. Thanatos stood by Steff, but it didn't matter. I tried to hug Steff, and ended up face planting.

        "Phooey, I never wanted to taste what Underworld soil tasted like." Andy cracked up, earning a glare from Steff.


        "Sooooo what you're saying is Thanatos brought us to camp?" Andy asked.

        "Yes, though how he got past the borders is a mystery to me." Nico studied Thanatos closely.

        "Steff here, is your sister?"

        "Yep, that's correct." Rebekah inched closer to Andy, and Andy inched away.

        "We - Stephanie and I - are here to lead you to Bob." Nico shook his head. "Thanatos, you need to get back to -"

        "Remember I am in many different places at once."

Andy's POV

Something didn't feel right. Why would Thanatos abandon his post to help us? Was it for Rebekah? To make up for taking Rebek's sis? (Rebek's Rebekah's nickname, it's too long.) We trudged all the way to a guy with silvery Einstein hair and eyes.

        "I am Bob!" He gestured to himself. "This is Small Bob!" Bob pointed to a skeleton saber toothed cat. "My brothers are rising. Damasen and I are trying to stop them before a war starts."

        Nico must've been real anxious, because bones started to knit into a very big Tyrannosaurus Rex. When it roared at all of us, I saw Rebek's eyes close tight in concentration. Random facts ran through my head. Πεταλούδα is butterfly in Greek, it's pronounced Petaloúda. A monarch is a type of butterfly, and butterflies are one symbol of Thanatos. The prophecy mentioned a monarch, as in
"...betrayed by a monarch's stone heart..." But Rebek didn't have a stone heart and it made no sense. She wasn't summoning the T-Rex, wasn't she? It could've just been a monster. Just then I saw something behind the T-Rex. A ghost. And it was sowing teeth in the Underworld. I knew I had to stop the ghost, so I ran towards it, past the snapping teeth of the dinosaur, and felt pain flare in my neck. I touched the neck and saw green blood. I didn't have green blood! I turned my neck, and saw the person I least expected to have killed me.


This chapter was... Well, suckish.

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