Chapter 24 Notes From the Underworld

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Annabeth's POV

I choked as I realized what the ballpoint pen was. Anaklusmos, Riptide. The note that came with it read,

Give this to Percy when you see him.
-A Loved One

I smiled halfheartedly. I had to go to the Underworld, same as our first quest. But why would this person, whoever it was, take Riptide then ask me to take it back?

I slashed up some more dummies. Stop it, you're acting like a child of Ares! I chided myself. I walked slowly towards the woods, where Capture the Flag was held. I remembered when Seaweed Brain first played the game, he'd looked so silly, and the recent Capture the Flag game, before the quest that would take him and the others.

Grief overwhelmed me, and tears fell on my shirt. Stop it, stop remembering! I had to be strong for Percy... My Seaweed Brain...

Andy's POV

I was stuck in time. My limbs were useless as I fell to the floor, as my eyes took in Ashley and Orthrus, as I felt myself gasp for air. Nico was on the ground, and Percy was trying to comfort us.
"Hey, I don't know who you are, but I know you're upset. It'll be-"
Nico exploded. "Okay?! No, it won't be okay, three of my sisters died! If you even understood half of my pain, you wouldn't be saying that!" I winced at that, but Nico was too caught up in his anger to notice. "I have no family, no home, no one who cares..." He said the last part as a whisper, anger dissolving. Nico turned, sobbing. I felt mixed. Anger, at the murderer. Sadness, for Ashley. Pity, for Nico. Shame for crying.

Does a demigod ever have a good, regular life?


Just as I finished sobbing, Stephanie turned towards us.
"Okay, I'll have to explain. But, we've got questions. For each question you answer, we'll answer one of your questions." Stephanie's blue eyes glistened. I really, really hoped she wouldn't ask any personal questions.

"Okay, you first Andy."
"How am I alive?"

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