Chapter 4Capturing Flags

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Nico's POV

        I saw the almost twins run out of the Hermes cabin. After where Andy led me to, I was ready for a distraction. Andy just got here, how'd he find that area? Anyways, it was cabins 13, 11, 3 6, 17, 8, 7, and 12 with the Athena Cabin leading. We were against the Ares Cabin and cabins number 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10. I noticed Ashton seemed nervous, like she didn't like my explanation of Capture the Flag. Maybe she didn't approve of violence. I saw the siblings close together, and I felt nostalgia. The sight reminded me of Bianca and me, making my eyes fill with tears. I didn't cry, because I don't let anyone see me cry, but I felt the emotion threaten to overwhelm me. When we started, I saw Ashton and Andy follow Annabeth. She snapped at them, something I couldn't hear, and they ran off to the creek. I snuck to the other side, and looked for the other teams flag. The flag was no where to be seen, then I saw Jace chase after Patrick. I shadow traveled to Patrick, almost stumbling. I forgot what Will told me not to do. I gritted my teeth, and Patrick caught me.

        "Whoa, stop shadow traveling. it's not good for you!" He looked at me in concern, which I didn't need right now. In his other hand he had the flag. Lightning flashed, and I saw Jace jump on Patrick and snatch the flag out of his hand. Jace started running back to wherever the flag was before. What Jace didn't see, was Ashton smash her shield into his helmet. It might've been a little too hard, because Jace fell to the ground, knocked out, with his nose bleeding.

        "Oh my gosh! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to do it so hard, but these shields are so heavy-"

        "Ashton, just grab the flag and get over the creek." She nodded, wide-eyed, and ran across the creek. That's when I noticed Andy wasn't there.
Was that a little too long? Thanks HadesPlutoNico for that comment, all good comments make me feel so much better. I'm kinda going through a hard time in my life, and that makes me feel better. So thanks HadesPlutoNico !

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