Chapter Six: Monsters Are Real

Start from the beginning

    "Right, of course." She said in disbelief.

    "I mean, you've met Cas, so," Sam said with a shrug.

    "Yeah but I went to church as a kid, believing that is easier than things that go bump in the night," Jess said as she sat down beside Sam at the table. "But come to think of it, there was this one time, a few years ago, right as Rachel and I were graduating college one of our professors was possessed by something nasty...almost died too if it hadn't had been for this rando guy that showed up." 

    "So you've met other hunters before then? What was his name?"

    "Hunters?" She asked and Sam nodded at her. "I didn't get to meet him but Rachel said he went on and on about this gate to hell that had been opened and that Dr. Livingstone, our French professor wasn't actually our professor. It was pretty scary but she told me he saved him so, I guess that's all that matters. Rachel never said his name."

    "Oh so this was after...sorry I just, uh nevermind," Sam said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Jess could see the metaphorical cogs running through his eyes and she wondered if Sam knew the hunter she had spoken about?

    Jessica watched him for a moment, "Are you alright?"

    "Yeah uh-"

    "Sam?" Jess asked. She knew there was a story there somewhere. He cleared his throat and continued on.

    "Anyway, I think the pony con thing may have a connection." He said opting to shut her out which was fine...they didn't owe her anything. She had just met them, didn't seem like the best time for a heart to heart. 

    She took a breath and continued to hypothesize with him. "Okay, just theorizing here but what if it was all a rouse. They met online, that has to be how he gets to know and charm his intended victims."

    "You could be right," Sam said and started to pace the room. A lightbulb turned on in Jessica's head.

     "Rachel wouldn't stop talking about how charming he was and kept gushing over everything he said and did... maybe that's why she went with him. Do you think he could've coerced her into coming with him?"

    "What like hypnosis?" Sam asked as he moved to the window to peer outside. Jessica watched Sam watch the horizon slowly sinking past the tree line. Rachel had been missing for a whole two days now. 

    "What if Rachel just followed him willingly? If he promised her anything that she wanted then..." Sam trailed off and turned around with a grimace. She didn't want to think of the idea but the inner detective in Jessica knew it could be a possibility as it usually was the case in these instances.

    "So you think Nick didn't kidnap her, she... went with him on her own?" Jessica asked with a hint of disgust in her voice as it all started to come together and make some sense. Not answering her phone was the give away there as much as Jessica didn't want to believe it. Sam nodded and Jess stood up from the table and paced the room with him.

    "If she went with him, she doesn't realize that he could be dangerous. She thinks he's just a guy who loves the ponies but in reality, he could be the serial kidnapper I've been listening about on the news." She said aloud but the words were mostly for her to wrap her head around it all. It was idiotic to think this was happening but Jess knew if something bad was going to happen, of course, it would happen to her.

    Jess made her way back to the table and sat her bag of chips down, not hungry anymore as they stared at Sam's computer, "But what about the horseman Pestilence? Where does he come into all of this?" Jess asked. They had filled her on basically the apocalypse as they've driven back to the motel earlier so she was caught up on it. She hadn't really known what was going on in the world and didn't understand how she could've missed it. Like the apocalypse. It was crazy. Of course there were natural disasters, murders, and the like every day but Jess just figured it was the way the world was.

    "See that's what we have to figure out...could you pass me that Bible?" He asked and pointed toward the bedside table. Time for even more research, Jess thought.

• • • • • •

(Nick's POV)

     "Rise and Shine!" Nick enunciated through the motel door. He had previously seen the other girl, Jessica at the diner with two men who had been around telling everyone they were FBI agents. Nick knew better...he could smell hunters from a mile away. He wasn't scared of two good for nothing numbskulls getting in his way. He already had Rachel and he was well on his way to making his dreams come true, this time.

    "Nick, what time is it?" Rachel questioned with a groggy voice when she finally opened the door. Nick could tell she had just woken up.

    "Time to get going silly we're almost to the place I saw them." He said as he leaned against the doorframe. He had to keep baiting the girl into coming with him, it was the only way his plans would actually work.

    "Are you sure the horses are gonna be there? I mean American Cream horses are super rare!" She said as she pulled on her shoes and grabbed her bag. 

    He could feel her reluctance and sure he felt kind of bad he was lying about the horses but he had plans, plans he couldn't just throw away. He wouldn't let anything stand in his way. Not those hunters or that girl or even Rachel from taking what he wanted.

    "Rachel you trust me right?" The girl in question shuffled her feet but she sheepishly smiled and nodded.

    "Sure, Nick."

    "Great then let's go!" Nick said as a flood of relief washed over him. For some reason Rachel was much more understanding than the others and didn't question everything he said and did, maybe it would work this time. Maybe Rachel would be the one for him.


Happy December Everyone! It's snowing where we live and it's just magical! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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