Part 45

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"Yes, that'd be fun! "
"Ofc. U never miss out fun do u?"
"Stop it Stella"
"Why? Huh?"
"It'd be just like Jason's party okay"
It's Stella, a classmate, pretty busy telling her next pranking plans. She's a hell of a prankster.
So, life?
Well, life's back to normal, the way it was. To and fro school, watching movies, hanging out with mates, pretending to study,  etc.
"Ash, can you bring some stuff from the grocery shop?" Mom, of course who else, called me. It's four in the afternoon and it's Friday, guess what, Sam's coming. I hop downstairs. Mom hands me the list and some money as I tell, "so excited to meet your daughter for the second time this month right, huh."
"I already know what's in the list."
Just then the front door opens and I already know it.
"I'm everyone's favorite Ash"
"Great. Huh."
I go out. Fake acting all the annoyance and anger.
Yes, I still act a seven year old for sure. Damn. I'm turning eighteen in one month.
My phone vibrates in my pocket as I come out, holding the bag on one hand and paying the cash.
"Jenna. I'm calling back. Wait okay."
I cut the call.
I know she'll have a lot to tell me again and lemme just talk at home. Nicely.
She's doing good. And no. I'm not trying to be her forever saviour. One thing I know that I've got to see that she stays strong, surviving without leaning on to anyone.

The doorbell rings.
Ugh. I try to push my eyes open, but they refuse to. It feels like I just went to sleep. Well, of course after being awake almost all the night.
Now I've got to even open the door?
God, can this day get any worse?  First, Sam couldn't come this week. Bloody work. Now, nobody's there to open the door.
The bell rings again.
Ugh. Coming. I mostly think or mumble that, I don't know. I drag myself up from bed.
Phone rings.
God. No.
I pull it out of the charge cord and put in on my ear.
"Dumbass. Open the door. I'm right here," Jenna yells.
"Jenna," I say in a sleepy voice as I walk stair after stair, "Stop fooling around."
I'm getting immuned to her behaviour now. I mean, she have done and said stuff like this too many times before, and I'm never been a fool to believe any of this. Like, some weeks ago, she was like, feel the slap okay,  feel it.
She's she.
I finally land in front of the door, still wanting to sleep, more than doing anything today.
I pull open the door and even without losing a second, even before I can look at who's there opening my eyes clearly, two arms wrapped around my neck.
My eyes reacted to this and I can see Sam standing at the doorway, smiling.
I hug her back. She was struggling to reach up till my height, cause I'm tall and she's like, a tiny being.
"Happy birthday," she says,"useless."
And release me off her grip.
"Someone turned eighteeeewnn," Sam comes and give a slight hug, well, MESSING up my hair.
I think I am still in awe, probably still not able to figure what the hell's happening.
But i like this. Love this.

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