Part 9

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Chapter 9

8th June. Monday.

Not a word from her.
I've got some texts from Derek and Joe, asking me the list of assignments. Cause attending classes and paying attention are two very different matter for them.
I don't really understand how they can exist in the class, without listening anything in the class, at least the times they push themselves to be in the class. To get the minimum attendance for promotion, ofcourse. It will be wrong if I say I get surprised as they pass with more than average grades.
I got a text from Rhea, my date, asking how I was.
I got some stupid texts, from many. Some asking to hang out with them by the weekend or so. I don't reply. And even if stupid isn't the word, I'm using it cause it's not something I want to do right now. I don't really want to right now.
I didn't reply back to anyone.

I don't know where this girl is. After the exams she'd be the first person checking on me. She'd text me asking how was it or something, or better call me on the phone. I don't know what happened this time, exams ended a week ago but she's not there.

"Ash" - I hear mom's voice and her steps coming upstairs.
"Yes mom" - I say, with a neutral voice. The doorknob turns and the door gets opened. Her eyes lands on the book in my hand, more than me lying on the bed.
"You're reading?" - she asks, certain surprise sounding clear in her voice as a smile crept in.
"Mom. Yeah. Ugh. Yes" - I mumble. Is it embarrassment? I'm embarrassed in front of my mom? That too for reading?
Seriously, I'm weird.
"You've started reading?"- she asks, in a mocking tone.
"Mom. Of course I read" - I tell mom, in a blank tone.
Yes ofcourse, I never study, I never read, and by dint of some magic, I get my class promotions. Entirely magic. Poof.

"Yes, some 10 hours before the exam" - Mom says.
"MOmmm"- I call her  in a long,  lose way.
"Okay okay. Just came to check why you're not going out today" - she says. My mom's weird.
Actually, I'm the one who goes out after school, mostly, or else just sit around in the living room, or the kitchen, or anywhere, but not my room.
Just tell me which school stays open till 2 weeks after exam.

How is this going? Y'all are doing great noh? Just tell me something!
I'm telling a secret, yeah?
Your votes and reads and comments keep me going, keeps me happy. Every morning when you see an increse in reads, knowing that people actually saw your words, that's sucha feeling. Plus comments? They literally are able to make my day. Just imagine having a damn bad day and a nice comment goes in. Or you're not able to figure out what to write and some constructive criticism enters? Please do if for me???

2nd edit done for this.
3rd round of edits.

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