Part 12

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Chapter 12

9th June. Tuesday.

Wow. Time's passing so fast. I'm just sitting and studying and like, the time, it just flies off. Maybe the thing on relativity is true.
Hell yes, Nerd.
She is a nerd. She can go on with her beloved science theories. Einstein. Relativity. What not. The only thing I like in Her science is the theory of 'parallel universes.' We used to talk about that, how we can be anything, anywhere. Everything that we imagine or can imagine IS reality in an alternate universe. She used to say that instead of talking about the ice cream treats, we could've actually tried making it in our refrigerator. Or I'd said that instead of just telling me that she'd kill me, she'd have actually done it.
She agrees to that.
That's her science.

Usually, she used to check on me during the study leave, also deactivates her phone or some stuff or something. One day, just before some 3 days before an exam, she called me, and yes, as usual, I was out with some mates.
She: where are you?
Her voice, always enthusiastic, yet she tried keeping it calm, like some mother's voice but failed.
Me: Just. Nearby.
She: So, planning to fail right?
Me: I'm not failing. Come on. I do study.
She: okay then, answer me this: what's the chemical formula of bleach? 
Me: Uh...ugh.. Well
She: Yeah? Tell?
Me: Okay. I forgot.
She: That's what you were studying?  Great.
Me: Come on. I did study. Just forgotten.
She goes on these from some time, telling me about the subjects, some importants, while I just walk around slowly under the street lights. Sometimes, I wish I was quite older than her, so that she could never match my course.

After a while,
Me: go now. Go to study.
She: there's none at home. I'm alone,
Where I could practically hear her sounding like a baby.
Me: study. Nothing will happen.
She: Ghosts will come.
In her childlike voice she says that. It was late. And none at home?
Me: you'll be fine. Go. You'll be okay.
And I walk off with Derek and Josh to the roadside shop
Yes, she studies much, as I know. She can practically ramble on science and maths formulae on hours end, if you want to listen.
I'm neither a great lover or hater of anything, but even though I'm not a literature person, literature does makes me think. I can never find out if I kinda love literature, but I've never read books. The thing that so many meanings and feelings can be hidden in a single phrase. The trails of every being to decode even a bunch of simple words seems crazy. But that is. It's funny how human minds works, trying to decode that wasn't coded yet. But that works, to keep going.

Thinking of all these studies and exams, don't I have an assignment to do?

2nd edit done for this.
3rd round of edits.

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