Part 14

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Chapter 14

10th June Wednesday.

21st January.
Happy birthday. Really. I'm seventeen? It's so so much. I passed seventeen long years? The years were short. I'm sure. But yeah. I'm seventeen. It's sucha grown up thing. So, yeah. I'm happy I guess. I got the stuff I wanted for today and yes, they makes me happy. So first, I just hoped none remembered my birthday and really,  almost everybody didn't remember. Like I really hate stuff like "thank you" and all. It's just annoying. Plus God, party? Never. I can never go through organizing a party for my own day. I like staying all with myself in this day, instead of learning lessons on how-to-greet-guests. It's like I can take up some resolutions, see back to the past year and all. And I wanted rain. I wanted the rain with its forever soothing sound, it's drops falling into  every curve of the earth, and just making it beautiful as always. It rained.
So yes. Happy birthday!
This actually made me smile. She seemed happy. Happy for herself that day and I'm glad she was.

Well, me? I never remember any dates, any birthdates especially, except mine. Isn't it is kind of selfish being that? Maybe but I don't remember, even if I tried. Have I ever tried?
I rembered Sam's birthday, once. But when I wished her, it was already a week after. So, I never really do.

My birthday people are Sam, mom, dad, always. Also friends such as Derek and some more. Not that I use to celebrate it like before. No cakes are there for me to blow the candles off, neither there are balloons all over. It's us, our family, cooking a big dish together, that hopefully doesn't becomes a disaster. And I go out with my friends for a meal outside. Meal is obviously a wrong word, but let it be.

So, well, I was in her non-remembered list. But did she
cared that list? Maybe yes.

Some days later in a phone call, she told me about that day, but couldn't she had told me earlier? It was good for me to learn late, she said, a flat-serious tone, even though I envisioned a smile creeping in to her face by her words.

"Ouch" something hits my face and the diary falls off to my feet. It was a basketball. As I was currently seated near the basketball court, in one of the parmanent benches made of concrete, where the onlookers mostly takes their seat watching the games. Yes, I'm reading in school. And I don't know how much time I've been here. Lost and engrossed.

I want to hear your opinions. I mean is it okay? Is the length okay? Is the story really getting the grip? Or should I do something else?

3rd round of edits.

The Broken Blossom Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon