Part 1.

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Unlike my other works, I'm not creating a whole chapter for the introduction. But yes, WELCOME TO THIS.
Welcome to THIS story of Ashton and 'Ashton-verse.'
Keeping it short : thank you and please read. Do vote and comment, these things keeps me going.
Chapter 1

"Please, Sign it" the delivery man asks handing me his pen and the pad of records, pointing me the place to put my signature on. I sign of quickly as the man in the grey uniform mumbles a thank you and walks away, handing me the parcel.
None's at home and this I am surprised to find this parcel actually came to my name. I'd never received any parcels from anyone other than getting those online shopping stuff and food delivered at doors. Mostly, I'm not the one recieving that, too, it's always mom, who has gone out with some of her friends. I feel so glad when she goes out with her friends. Finally, got her something away from household chores. It's nice to see her live her life outside her 24×7 chores of being a mother, being a wife.

I put the parcel, which comprises of a brown cuboidal box, taped securely in my table in my room. I pull the curtain of my window just near my study table, which gives the best view, of course.
Just then,
My phone rings and I pick it, "Man, where are you? We're out. Come soon." Derek, my friend, calls me out. We planned to go out in the evening, today.
"Yeah. Will be there in 15," I reply, as I  check myself in my mirror, the light hazel pair of eyes looks at me, I pull at my shirt, run my hand over my brown hair and then, dash out of my room, hearing my door slam. 

  Thank you once again and please read.

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