Part 29

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Chapter 29

*ding dong*

I hear the bell ring.
I never go down to open the door, mom does, but the doorbell rang once again after a bit I walked down to see it. Maybe mom was busy doing something or didn't hear the bell.

I walked down, and nobody was there. Dad arrives late from work but mom? Must've gone out.

I Open the door.
"Hey?" I say,"wanna come in?"
"No. You told me that we'll go out?" He says, sounding obvious.
I did?
"I did?," I ask but,"comeon, you do this every time, we need to go out"
I thought well, okay, and changed into different clothes.
While we walk around,
"It's getting hot," he says, but I ain't  feeling any heat, but well okay.
Then it struck. I ain't feeling anything. My mind is all wobbly.
"How's Jennifer? " he asks.
He knows her?
Of course,  I l might've told him about her once and twice but....
"You haven't talked about her for long", he says again,"is she all right?"
He asks me again and I managed to say, "yeah.. uh.. yes"
"Can we head home?" I ask him tho we're not even 20 minutes away.
I head back home and to my room.
I want to continue reading, wherever I was.
No. It wasn't there.
I was sure of keeping it on my bed while going out.
"Mom. Did you do anything with my stuff?" I yelled.
"No," she replied back.
Where the hell it could be.
I searched everywhere.

Where was I anyway?  I thought in hope of resuming something, somd thought.
Btw,  what was I trying to think?
Hell no. I can't remember.
I check my phone.
Nothing is there.
Even her name wasn't there in the contacts.
I ring Derek.
"What?" He asks.
"You know Jennifer? " I  ask, "the one you were asking of?"
"I was asking of someone?"
"Damn. Just now. While we're out?"
"We just went out?" He asks me.
What the fuck is going on?

I sweat out of my bed.
It was a dream. It was a dream. It's okay. It's a dream.

3rd round of edits.

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