18. underneath her bumbershoot

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It's been the 7th day of his punishment, he would rarely see her cause she always went with Shikadai to again, discuss the accurate lining for the guarding position for the Chunin exam in the next 3 weeks.

It was heavily raining in the afternoon, the sight of Konoha was dull and gloomy.

Apparently, he was on the way to his house, having that grey umbrella above his blonde head.

He took a stop when he saw an old woman who was struggling to shed herself from the pouring rain. It was obvious she didn't bring any coat nor umbrella to defend herself.

He went over and handed the umbrella, instead, he was the one getting drench.

"Young man, what are you doing?" Her weak voice spoke as she looks above that tall blonde boy

"Just don't want you to caught a cold grandma, its not good for your health." He smiles warmly, it was his greatest trait of charm

"But, but you'll get a cold instead?!" She indicates her claim

"My immune system can easily handle any sickness, a cold is just a minor!" He assured, "no need to worry about me grandma, I'm still young and good! You can keep my umbrella to travel without any worries!"

He gently gave that grey umbrella to the elder who was thankfully bowing to him with great sincere

He was getting more and more drench until his upper body was all wet, his open vest was getting greener, his shirt was showing his solid anterior, carving up every lining of his abs...

If his fangirls have seen him like this, they've would've thrown themselves to him.

After giving that umbrella he bid goodbye and run off towards his home.

The old woman smiled to herself, what a lucky girl to keep a man like that...


His heavy footsteps came down running in the pouring rain. Raindrops are dropping pretty swift and his speed remains the same, then until he saw another woman's figure. Surely this time it was someone he knows, for his entire life of course!

Sarada runs towards him. She shared her red Bumbershoot with him. Her face seems to be annoyed at the moment

"Why aren't you hiding from the rain, you idiot?!"

He scratches the back of his head, smiling so guiltily to her...

"I... kinda forgot?!" Well, he did. It wasn't on purpose of course

"So what now? Trying to catch a cold?"

"I wasn't going to catch any! I'm strong, ya' know!" He grin, bragging thru and thru

She flicks his forehead, a bit forceful to make it painful.

"Once a strong body, it's a strong disease! Can't you pay attention to yourself sometimes? Come on, it's just basic?!"

He had that teasing smile, grew on his lower face. "Does this little wife of mine is concern about me??"

"Yes. I am. Because if you do this again Mister, I'll make sure you cannot see the sun for a month!" She warns, pretty much a bit of an angry tone

"Why? Would you keep me inside your room?" Still teasing, he couldn't hold it in. It was his best way to make her do something unexpected

And yet, it was unexpected, "yes, you'll be staying in a hospital room!"

"You're kidding right?" He was expecting a joke

"No, I'm not kidding! Besides, it's good if you're in the hospital for a month, at least you can avoid fighting with Kagura-san!"

It's like a swift tick sounded on his ears when he heard that name, Kagura. He was getting intense, clearly, he wasn't in good terms with him since 7 months ago.

She was still calling him 'Kagura-san' which was kind of irritating, really irritating. If he couldn't hold it in he would be yelling nonsense

Clearly, what was bothering him most is that why would she want him to be put in a hospital for a month? To hold him in there? So he has the chance to flirt with her? Oh, hell no!

"Why are you still calling his name with san? When you never call my name with 'Kun'?!"

She began to smug, "oh, is our blondy here jealous?"

"What if I am, would you call my name with Kun?"

"No." She firmly responds

That kinda did disappoint him, he was contented to the fact that she was dating him. Moreover, the word 'Idiot' only indicates to be called only for him. But never in his life, he heard her say his name with a 'Kun' on its edge.

He turns his gaze away, he was really upset. Aside from Kagura coming, here again, she wasn't going to call him something that might excite his ego.

Sarada smiled to herself, she exactly knew why he was doing this again, better yet, it's always been that way. He would do some pouty faces, make excuses or look away when his favor wasn't given

"How 'bout this, would you like to be called something special? That only I can call you that?"

"Tch! You're trying to buy me with words again!" Still didn't look into her eyes. He was busy pouting, which he often did every time if he was being refused by her

She rolled her eyes and silly smile, "Fine, I won't then. Let's get you home! Aunt Hinata will be worried sick if you weren't on time."

She was about to turn when he cupped her face. He was blushing, he was still averting her gaze. He was squishing her face

"Weren't you going to call me something? What is it? Darling? honey? Come on, say it!" He was pleading

"I thought you weren't interested?" She tried to sound normal, her voice was a muffled

"I didn't say I wasn't interested!" He put his forehead into hers, still cupping her cheeks

Her eyes are watching his blond eyelashes. His wet hair has gone to her raven one.

Underneath her Bumbershoot, under that perfect weather, a perfect couple showed how things work under the rain. How it was a perfect fit for a place to show off their affection. It was too perfect to even say another word. Maybe their greatest acts can make one's eyes cannot take off them

"Bolt" she whispered

He looks back at her onyx eyes, finally. Much to his surprise, it wasn't what he expected. But it wasn't the first yet it was still pleasing to hear her say it

"Say it again." He smiled

She caresses his cheek with her avail hand, surprisingly gave a beautiful smile that left him petrified for that only reason

"You are My bolt!"

A/N: and yes, I'm back😌

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