SEAN: "The kids? You runnin a baby sitting service now?"

I chuckled.

ME: "No, it's a long story, Um, I might be a free at the end of the week....maybe we can do something then."

SEAN: "Ight, call me whenever."

ME: "Yeah."

I hung up the phone and dropped it back in my bag. August pulled into the parking lot of my boutuique and stopped right infront of the door.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my purse. "...I guess I'll see you tonight." He hit the locks and nodded. "Ight, I'll see you later ma." I pushed the door open and was just about the step out of the car, when he spoke again.

"Did you do something new to your hair." I slightly frowned. "Um...I haven't been wearing weave for the past few days." He nodded. " looks nice." I stepped out the car and let out a soft smile. "Bye."

I turned around and walked up to the front door, slightly shaking my head. I knew he had to be out of it if he was just now noticing my hair after four days. I knew he had alot of stuff on his mind, but now I see how serious it is.

I pushed the glass door open and stepped inside the shop. "Well aren't we a little late to be the boss?" I looked up to see my mom sitting on one of the couches, smirking.

"Mom?? What are you doing all the way over here? How'd you get in here?" She chuckled. "Kerri let me in, and I came to see you, you haven't returned any of my calls lately."

I sighed. "Im sorry, I've just been really busy, there's alot going on right now." She lifted a brow. "Something's always going on with you, and you let me know what's going on in your life, come sit." She patted the seat beside her, motioning for me to sit down.

"Mom I can't sit, the boutique opens in thirty minutes, and I have to help get things in order." She stood up from her seat and fanned me off. "And you will, but right now we're going to talk, follow me to your office." I sighed and followed her all the back into my office.

Once I closed the door behind myself, she took a seat on the edge of my desk and turned to me. "Now what is going on? What's been having you so busy for the past few months now?" I shook my head. "It's nothing mom."

"Now I know when there's something wrong with my daughter, so you can cut all of the lies, and just talk to me." I paused for a minute before sighing, running my hands through my hair in the process.

"....Where do you want me to start?" "I would prefer from the beginning." I walked over to my desk and took a seat.

"Well, everything started when he went on tour with this girl named Ryelle." She nodded. "I wasn't comfortable with him going out on tour with a female, and it made me more uncomfortable when they became friends." She nodded.

 "He brought her home on Aliyah's birthday and invitied her to stay without consulting with me first, and that pissed me off, and we got into a arguement....."

" that it?" I shook my head. "The day after Aliyah's birthday party, they kissed when I wasn't home....and Aliyah saw them do it." Her eyes widened. "Excuse me??? They did what??" I sighed.

"Yeah, they kissed." I started. "He lied to me about it and Aliyah was the one that told me, so after that I kicked him out the house, and then everything started to go downhil from there, I started to accuse him of everything involving the girl becuase I was insecure, I pushed him he told me at the barbeque that he wanted a break, and that he wanted to be seperated for awhile."

She shook her head. "So all of this was going on and you never said anything?" I shook my head no. "No...I didn't want everybody in our business, or trying to tell me what to do..and besides, it was embarrassing." She shook her head again. "I can't believe you held all of this in for so long."

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