Chapter 8

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"Come on Li-Li we have to go!!" I yelled up the stairs, waiting for Aliyah to come down. I didn't want her to late for her school, and I didn't want August to miss his flight either. "Coming!!" She ran down the stairs with her bookbag bouncing up and down with every step she took.

"You got everything?" She nodded. "You got your lunch?" She quickly turned around and ran off towards the kitchen. I chuckled and shook my head. "Im ready to go after I put this bag in the car." I turned around to see August walking to the front door. "Alright, once she gets her lunch box we can go." He walked out the door, as I grabbed my keys off the table.

"Alright we have to go!" I said loud enough for her to hear me. I sighed and walked to the kitchen, wondering what was taking her so long. "What are you doing?" I asked in a chuckle. I placed my hand on hip and smirked once I seen Aliyah stuffing packs of pop tarts in her lunch box.

"Nothing." She said lowly. I grabbed her lunch box and pulled out the five packs of pop tarts she'd stuffed in there. "Little girl, you are something else." I placed her cup of oranges back in her lunch box and zipped it up. "Alright let's go, get in the car." She ran ahead of me and made her way out the house.

I stepped outside and placed her lunchbox and my purse in one hand, while locking the door. I slipped in the passenger seat and handed August the keys. "Let's go, I want Aliyah to be on time." He nodded and started up the car.


I held Aliyah's hand, as August and I walked her to her classroom. I sighed once we stopped at room 104. "Okay, you be good alright?" I handed her her lunchbox, while she nodded. "I'll be back to pick you up." I kissed her on her forehead and smiled. She turned to walk into the classroom, but I stopped her.

"Aren't you gunna say bye to daddy?" She looked up at August with a blank expression. "Bye." She turned back around and walked into the classroom. I frowned and looked over at him. "She's taking this rough huh?" He nodded. "I guess just give her some time, don't take it personal, it's hard on her when you leave." He cracked a small smile before turning around and walking out of the school.


I walked August up to his portal and took a deep breath. "I'll call you when I land." I nodded. He turnedaround to walk away, but I grabbed his hand. "Wait." I started. "I love you....and I trust you." I kissed his cheek and let his hand go. He gave me a weak smile before disappearing down the tunnel.

I walked out the airport and hopped back into the car. I pulled away from the curb and took off down the street. All of a sudden I felt a muffled vibration coming from my pants pocket. I pulled up to the light and pulled it out. I quickly answered once I seen my mom calling me.

ME: "Hey mom."

MOM: "Hey baby, you busy?"

ME: "No, I just dropped August off at the airport, not Im going to work."

MOM: "Oh yes, his tour started, how's that going?"

I paused, thinking about how I should answer.

ME: "Fine, everything's fine."

MOM: "That's good, how's my grandbaby?"

I chuckled.

ME: "She's good, she's at school, I hate that you missed her birthday party."

She sighed.

MOM: "I know, you guys moved so far away from the city, it's a long trip for me."

ME: "I know, but anyways, wassup?"

MOM: "I was calling to remind you about our family cookout in two weeks."

I sighed and shifted the phone to my other ear. A few years ago Ms.Sheila and my mom decided to start having these annual cookouts with the whole family. Since August and I moved away from the city, and Ms.Sheila lives in a different state, it was a good time for everyone to catch up and hang out.

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