"How are you've been doin Kiyoko?" Hotoke-san ask suddenly.

"Good" I said and finished my third drink. And sometimes I always get out to this awkward situation.

"Anything happened to you lately?" He asks, I don't get it what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean, have you met someone?" He asks and finished his drink. When he did think about me?

"Oh that? I'm not seeing someone lately besides its fun to be single" I said and give him a half smile.

"Hooking up to randomly people sometimes, get drunk like this sometimes, it's actually fun" I said while smiling and twirling the strings of my hair, although I lied about that.

"Aren't you getting tired of it?" He said out of nowhere, there's something strange about him tonight.

"Sometimes but I get used to it" I lied, yet he was still looking at me, not his dead eyes but different.

"Are you lonely?" he said, I flinch at his question and look at him.

"Why would be I lonely?" I ask and chuckles about it.

"Besides I'm not really into relationships right now, it feels like I'm getting stuck when I'm with someone" I explained, Hotoke-san is weird today back then he always ignores me but right now? Something really strange about him.

"Why are you asking me about that anyway?" I ask, he doesn't answer me, but he gets a cigarette and smoke.

"Well I'm worried" he said, suddenly I laugh at him.

"Sorry sorry" I'm still laughing about it. Me getting lonely? He must be joking.

"You're really strange tonight" I said while wiping my tears and stopping my laughter

"I'm fine Hotoke-san" I said with a smile, this is the first time Hotoke-san worried about me.

"You've changed a lot" he said and smiles, whoa, it's the first time I've seen him smiled like that.

"Yeah..." I said slowly, I should take a walk, I stand up and get my coat.

"I'm getting some air" I said, Hotoke-san nods and I leave them a bit.


I went out the bar and look around the street, it's really loud but peaceful. People walking around, neon lights beaming to us, and the sound of people enjoying their moments.

"Are you lonely?"

That question never came to my mind at all, I've always thought that I'm always not, maybe I'm just doing this because I want to be distracted. I started to walking around at the streets of Shibuya, the district is cold at night but the weather news said it should be warm.

Why is it cold?

Is it because I'm alone?

"Ugh! I don't want to think about it anymore!" I groan out of frustration in the middle of the streets and some people look at me because they bothered by me.

I need a distraction.



The night as I'm walking in the Shibuya street to get some air. There're two guards in 5 feet apart from me while we were walking, they are my body guards. As I thought the street is normal nothing is happening, people doing what they want, street vendors selling their goods yet everything is fine.

I should visit the undergrounds and see my other business. I sell drugs and guns in other countries but I don't use drugs at all its my late-father's business after all and I'm the only child, so I take the business while taking my old man's jewelry business too. Nobody knows that I'm a Yakuza up here and undergrounds.
I'm hiding my identity that I'm fact a Yakuza it would be dangerous for the clan and for me also if everyone knows. But if ever someone knows about me, I would cut their fingers and erase them from this world.

"Boss? Hiroshi-san said that you appointment to the undergrounds later" One of my guards said, I just nod and continue walking, the guard distance in five feet apart again.

Suddenly a woman bumped me.

"Oh sorry didn't see you there" she said and continue walking, the guards walks towards at me.

"Are you okay Boss?" The guard ask me, I just nod. I should get going, suddenly my phone rings.

I get my phone and look at the screen. It was my private investigator, I answer the phone.

"Any news?" I ask.

"You should be saying hello first you know" he said in sarcastic. I just sigh about his stupidity, he's not even aware who's he talking to now.

"Anyway yeah I got some news too you" he said.

"Spilled it out" I continue walking to the streets

"The picture of a couple you send me earlier"

"They are the thieves" he said, I stop walking and listen to his explanation. I guess I'm wrong about them.

"The woman's name is Ryuu Furokawa and his boyfriend is Natsume Hajime" he said

"The best part is the woman isn't a woman after all"

"Do you mean he's man?" I ask, they really professional they even dress normal just to steal it.

"Yep, I don't know where they sell the diamond but I will call you later to get some more information" he said

"Okay then thanks" I hung up the call and put back my phone, suddenly I feel an empty space in my pocket, I patted every pocket and there's nothing.

My wallet is missing?

"Boss? What's the matter?" The guards said.

"My wallet... Its gone" I said, the two of them were shocked about it.

"We will find it Boss!" The other guard said. That woman who bumped me must be the one who took it, I'm sure the woman it's still here.

"Do you know the woman's appearance that bumped me earlier"
I ask them, the both of them were confused. Inside my wallet has my credit cards and my key card to my apartment. Seriously what's with thieves these days.

"I will find as soon as possible Boss" the guard said.

"You, take Boss to the underground and I'll find it" the other guard nods

"Come on Boss, Hiroshi-san must be waiting" the other guard said, I nod at him and go to the car.

"What a lousy night"

The Yakuza and The Thief [BXB] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now