The Sharp Knife of a Short Life and a Love that Never Had a Chance.

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We reach the airport and board our flight. The whole way will be 33 hours and 5 minutes long. We have to stop twice. The stewardess comes down the aisle with a refreshment and snack cart.

She lightly places a hand on my shoulder as I have earbuds in. "Miss?"

I look at her and take them out. "Yes?"

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

"Oh no, I'm..."

Jungkook cuts me off. "She'll have two cokes, three waters, and some chips, cookies, and a granola bar." She nods.

"Ooh, can I have an apple juice?" Taehyung smiles like a child.

"Yes, you may."

"Yes." She places our things on our trays.

"I really didn't want anything Kook."

"Eat and drink something please. You know Yoongi would want you to keep yourself healthy." I sigh and start unwrapping my food. I got the cookies. Kook got the other Coke, a water, and the granola bar. Taehyung got his apple juice and chips.

I stared out the window for hours.

We finally landed at our first stop and got off.

We used the restroom and got some food for the next flight.

We ate and slept until the next stop.

We all repeated our routine and then got on our last flight.

We landed back in Seoul Korea at 7:05 am.

I shook Tae and Kook awake gently. "Hey." They looked at me with tired eyes. "We are home boys." They looked out the window. We grabbed our stuff and quickly got off.

We waited outside for our car.

Hoseok looked at me. "So what's the plan from here?"

"Well, we..."

I was cut off by Namjoon. "We go home and sleep. We will leave at midnight to get Yoongi."

I frowned and turned to Namjoon. "What?"

"Levi I..."

"No! No way! I'm not leaving him there another fucking hour. Hell no."

"Levi. You and I both know that we need to be at our 100% best to get him and ourselves out safely."

I scoffed angrily as tears welled up in my eyes. "Your joking right?" He crossed his arms and sighed.

"He's right Doll. We haven't slept well in days. We need to be as alert and ready as possible." Jimin crosses his arms and squints from the morning sun.

"Bullshit! I am ready! I've never been more ready for something my entire life!"

"Levi." I look at Jungkook's pleading eyes. "You know its the truth." He's right. They all are. I know that they are all doing their best and that Namjoon's decision could save us more than anyone knows.

I sigh and nod finally giving in. "Fine. But this doesn't mean I like this new plan." I just wanted him. I wanted him near me. Healthy and happy. Safe. This is my fault. I did this.

The car finally pulls up. We throw our stuff in the back and pile in.

The car ride home is silent. We are all tired, beaten, and bruised. We all hurt for our captured loved one.

We finally arrive home.

The Kingdom Kidz, my brother, and my sister are all getting on a later flight. They won't be joining us on this mission.

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