Inside the MSS

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I pull up to a gate and an automated system says, "Name, Number, Business, and who you work for please."

"Princess, agent 07, reporting to agent 135, MSS."

"Passenger with you today?"


"Agent, relative, or significant other?" I paused and thought of what to say. "Uh..."

Yoongi's voice startles me.  "Significant other." I hit him slightly. "Ow."

"You may enter. Now welcoming Agent 07 of the MSS aka Princess."

I drove through and shot a death glare at Yoongi. "Significant other huh?" I kept my eyes forward.

"I mean what even are we Levi? We act enough like a couple. Might as well be one." I was a bit shocked. I looked over at him puzzled. I took a breath not knowing what to say and pulled into my parking spot and stopped the car placing it in park.

I sigh. "Min Yoongi."

"Hmm?" I turn to him. His face was inches from mine. I take in a breath and it hitches in my throat.

I swallow. "I really like you. I do..." he smiled, "but... " it faded, "as of right now you are my mission and I have to protect you."

He smiled. "You do it perfectly. Think of how much easier it would be if we were together. Then you would always want to protect me."

I bit my lip at the thought."Ya but Yoongi that's the point."

He smirked. "I can tell that that kiss was a little more than just something to take me out of a night terror. I mean at least it was to me." I look over at him.

I sigh. "I'll think about it ok?"

He smiles. "That's all I ask." We got out of the car and I locked it. I put my gun in the pocket of my coat and my knives in my other pocket.

"Here." I hand Yoongi a set of throwing knives and a gun.

He frowns. "Why are you giving me these?"

"You never know who might try to harm you. I can't let that happen. Especially after you just told me you have a crush on me." He smiles.

We walk through the doors. Everyone is silent. I feel the stares from the other agents. People greet me. My enemies smirk at me. I heard guns click. I grabbed both of mine and racked bullets into their chambers.

I smirked and lifted them to my sides. "Don't even think about it." Yoongi stayed glued to my back. "No one touches him or you all will be dead." Guns clicked and went down. So did mine. I grabbed his hand and kept walking forward. We reached the end of the hall and opened the door. I was soon pulled back by a guy in all black. He must be a new security guard.

"Sorry, little lady I don't think..."

I grabbed his hand off my shoulder and flipped it behind him and kicked his knees and he went down. "The name is Princess. Agent 07. I'm here to talk to agent 135. Next time don't touch me. Deal?"

The doors opened and Sue looked at me and the security guy. "Hello, beautiful. How I've missed my favorite agent." She looked at Yoongi. "Ah. The Mafia Prince of Korea. Nice to meet you." My heart sank. The color from my face drained. Mafia prince?! I turned to him slowly. His eyes plead with me but mine turn to stone. I set my jaw and look back at Sue.

He looked forward. "That was the past ma'am." I got off the guard.

I look back at him. "You have a lot of shit to explain." He looked at me. I looked away from him. My eyes sting threatening to drop a tear. We walked into the room.

Sue handed Yoongi some papers. "Take these and fill them out." He did so. I looked over at him trying to see the papers.

I had a bad feeling. "What did you give him?" I look back at Sue questionably.

"That's none of your concern. You are in a lot of trouble."

I roll my eyes and slump back in my chair. "Oh ya? What did I do this time?" I had an edge to my voice. She grabbed my throat lifting me out of the chair. She then shoved me up against the wall. I slammed my head hard. "Ah." Yoongi stood up. "I'm...fine." I struggle against her to breathe.

"You killed the underboss of the Black Book Gang you idiot!"

I laugh a bit. "He killed... my father... and tried to... kill Alec."

She laughed. "Alec is useless and so was your father. It would have been for the best and for your father it was the best." I felt my blood start to boil.

Yoongi chuckles. "Uh oh. Bad move." My face turned red and I kicked her where the sun doesn't shine. She released my neck and I kicked her in the face. Her security started to come at me. I pulled out my guns and started shooting. They all were down in seconds.

I put the gun to her temple. "Never disrespect the people I care about just because no one cares for you. This is my kingdom sweetheart. Never forget who the real queen is. Now, what the hell did you give Yoongi to fill out?" A woman walked in with the paper Yoongi filled out. I guess I didn't see her take it.

She shoved it in my face. "Welcome to the MSS Agent Min Yoongi." Sue looked up at me and smiled. I let go of her and grabbed the papers.

I looked up at Yoongi. "Shit." Yoongi looked at me.

He started shaking his head. "I can't do this Levi. The people that killed my mom... they are still out there looking for me." Tears well in his eyes.

Sue straightens herself and walks to her desk. "Agent 07 and now Agent 08 aka Prince you are now a team. Your first mission. Hunt and kill the murders of Agent 126 at the KSS. Don't leave anything or anyone behind." I take in a deep breath and start to adjust to the thing that is now not my worst nightmare but reality.

I sigh. "I need files, a computer and to take Yoongi to fight camp to get a crash course."

"You leave for Korea in a month. Be ready." I nod.

I grab Yoongi and pull him out. "Well "prince" you have some explaining to do. If you're going to help me I need you to go full dark no stars. You in for getting revenge for your mother?"

He nods slowly. "Ok. Just help me prepare." We walked to the car and drove home.

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