The Final Countdown

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My eyes flutter open.

"Jin just fucking drive!" He looks down at me. Blood covers his face, hands, and shirt. "Stay with me, baby! Please!" My eyes close again. "No no no no!"

"Jungkook! Get back there and help him keep her awake!"

A hand slaps my cheek lightly. "Levi! Stay awake!" My eyes open. I have blurry double vision. Jungkook's tears hit my face.

"Jin! She's losing a lot of blood!" Jimin's voice is frantic.

"More pressure!!" My eyes close again.

Their voices get farther away and my heartbeat slows. Darkness and coldness engulf my body and I slip away.

Yoongi's POV

"She isn't fucking breathing!"

Jin pulls over. "Namjoom drive!!" He jumps in the back pushing me away. He gets on top of her and starts CPR.

I place my hands in my hair. "No! No!" I sob as Namjoom takes off. I grab her lifeless hand. "Please baby. Please don't leave me." Her hand twitches. I hold it tighter.

The car stops. "We're here! Tae go get a stretcher!" He jumps out of the car.

He soon comes back with a stretcher.

The gangs HQ has a hospital with the best nurses and doctors around.

A doctor runs out and jumps on the stretcher continuing the compressions. "Yoongi what is her blood type?!"

"O neg!"

"Awesome. GS to the right side of the stomach. No exit wound that I can find at this time but she has a collapsed lung. We need lots of blood stat!" They wheel her down the hallway as we follow. I run with them holding her hand.

A nurse stops me. "I'm sorry honey you have to stay here."

"What?! No! No fucking way! Levi!"

Jungkook grabs me. "Yoongs. Yoongs!"

"Levi!" He pulls me into a tight hug and I fall apart.

In the OR

Levi's POV

"She's losing a lot of blood! More suction! Abby get more blood in here!" I can feel my heart weaken. As I begin to slip away a bright light blinds my vision.

I flutter my eyes slowly open. I blink a couple of times. I try to talk but I choke on the tubes.

Yoongi looks up and frantically hits the call button next to my bed. "Don't talk baby. Try to relax and breathe." I continue to choke and help is taking too long.

Jin jumps up and rushes to my side. "Move! Jungkook grab that bin and get over here!" He removes the tubes slowly. "Relax Levi relax." I try but continue to choke. He finally gets it out and I lean over to throw up into the bin that Jungkook holds. In a swift move, Yoongi grabs my hair with one hand pulling it away from my face right before I barf. Jin rubs my back soothingly as a nurse walks in. I look over at her and then at Yoongi.

"Yoongs." I then pass out.

Yoongi's POV

"Levi!" I catch her head and place her back on the bed before she falls out. The nurse runs over and shoves us out of her way. I bite my thumbnail nervously as tears start to fall. She checks her vitals and sighs.

My heart drops as she turns to me. "She's fine. She's dehydrated, malnourished, and exhausted. Let her sleep. When she wakes up try some water and some bland foods. Keep an eye on her. She's not out of the woods quite yet."

Jungkook lays his hand on my shoulder as I sigh in relief. "Thank you." I sit back down in the chair beside her bed. and grab her hand.

Jin sighs. "Alright time to change that bandage. Shirt off and arm up." I sigh and release her hand. I take off my jacket than my shirt. I lift my arm as Jin walks over with the med bag.

Levi's POV

My eyes flutter open again. A shirtless Yoongi is at my bedside.

I rub my eyes and then open my mouth. "Yoongs?" I see the blood and stitches. I sit up in my bed and widen my eyes. "What happened!?"

He smiles. "Nothing baby." He pulls his shirt back on as Jin finishes up.

"Tell me now Min Yoongi or I'll..."

He gets close to my face. "Or you'll what baby?" He smirks and I pout.

Tae stands. "And that's my queue to leave." The rest of them stand up and leave. I scoot over and pat the bed. Yoongi stands and lays down next to me.

He goes to kiss me and I hold a finger to his lips. "No kisses until you tell me what happened."

He sighs. "When I was kidnapped she stabbed me and broke it off in me. So they had to go in and remove it then stitch it up."

My mouth hangs open. "That bitch stabbed you?! Oh hell no!"

He chuckles. "You killed her remember?"

I sigh. "Ya, I guess your right. I should have beat her ass more before I killed her." He chuckles and kisses me. I hug him and snuggle my head on his chest. "I missed you."

He sighs. "I missed you too. You hungry?" I nod. "Ok, let's go."

Yoongi wheels me down to the cafeteria in a wheelchair. I ordered some peanut butter toast and water.

He clears his throat as he swallows a bite of pasta. "How're your stitches?"

I run my hand over the bandaged area. "Fine, I guess. They have me on so many meds that it's hard to tell."

He smiles. "Well, at least it doesn't hurt."

Jimin clears his throat. "So when is the wedding?"

I sigh. "I guess I didn't really think of that."

Jungkook looks at me. "Well we still need to plan it so how does June sound?"

Jin smiles. "Six months is more than enough time. Mama Jin's got this." We laugh and I look at Yoongi.

He smiles. "June it is." I smile and finish my food.

After we finish our food we go back to the room and discuss with the doctor about after-care of me and Yoongi's stitches.

I then start to daydream. In six months I will be married to the love of my life. I can't wait to be with you for the rest of our lives.

Only you. 

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