Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

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"What the hell Anya? You're supposed to be on my side."

She scoffs. "Oh please. Do you know how hard it is to live in your shadow?! Always second best to the princess."

I frown. "What the hell are you talking about?"

She laughs. "Times up Princess. Say goodbye." My heart sinks. I feel the ground shake. An explosion is set off. Tires squeal.

I start to hyperventilate. "Yoongi!" She revs her engine at me. I look at her with tears in my eyes. She speeds straight for me. I try to throw my car into reverse but the car is locked up. I can't do anything. I try to open the door. Nothing. I look back up. Her headlights get brighter and brighter. I turn in my seat and kick at the window. "Come on." I look back at her. The headlights blind me. "Come on!" The window gives and shatters. I jumped out just in time. Her car crashes into mine. The cars explode. The explosion sends me off the side of the mountain road. I roll and stumble. Bones crack. Skin gets cut but I can't feel it. I'm too numb. My head hits a rock and I'm out.

I woke up. The sun hits my eyes. I shield them with my hand. I try to stand.

I scream out in pain. "Ahhh god!" I fell back to the ground. My voice echoes in the empty space. I start to cry. I swivel my head and look around. Pieces of different cars lay around me. I recognize all of them.

Did I just lose them all?

I cry and hit the ground. "What do you want from me?!" My voice echoes as I cry out. I turn over on my back and sit up slowly. I take off my shoe.

The taste of blood becomes very apparent to me.

I look at my ankle. It's swollen. I pull out my bandanna from my coat pocket. I put it in my mouth and bite down. I push on it. I cry out softly from the pain. It's not broken, just sprained. I put my shoe back on and stand slowly.

What's worse than a sprained ankle? A broken heart. My worst pain of all. It's heavy and it hurts.

I cried as I walked aimlessly on the open dry plain. I reach for the zipper inside the pocket of my jacket where my phone was. Incredibly it's still there. I pulled it out. It's a bit cracked but it still works.

I sigh in relief. "Thank you, god." I open the phone. Yoongi's face smiles back at me. I open the group chat between me and the boys.

Please be alive.

I sent the message.

I walk and walk.

No answer. "Shit." I cry more. I've never cried so much in my life. I check the date and time.

Five. Five days I have been out here alone.

As I walk more parts of the car lay around.

I come to the first remains of a car. It's Taehyung's. I ran to the car. It's on its top.

"Tae? Taehyung?!" I kneel down and look at the inside of the car. No one is there. I sit back on my butt. I cry. I hit the ground with my fist. "You have to keep walking, Levi. For them." I roll up my sleeves and look at my tattoo. "For him." I get up slowly.

I walk for what seems like forever.

I come upon Jimin's car. It's on its wheels. It's badly broken. I ran to the car. I look through the small space where the window used to be. In the driver's seat, unconscious is Jimin. "Park Jimin! Jimin!" I pull on the door trying to get it open. "I'm trying to get to you. Jimin, hold on, please. Hold on." I cry. I finally got the door off. I crawl through the small space and unbuckle his seat belt.

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