3:00am. Morning Fun.

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I'm having a peaceful dream when I realize I'm being shook awake. I woke up to a shirtless Jungkook.

"What's..." Then I hear Yoongi.

He's screaming. "No! No! Stay away from her!"

The lights flicker on as I look over at him. "Shit."

"I'll get the nurse!" Jin starts to walk out.

"No. It's just a night terror." I sit up and roll him over. He flails around. "Yoongi! Hey! Baby! It's just a dream!"

"No! Get off me! Let go of her!" He slaps me. I lean over from the pain. I feel him hit my leg.

I groan. "Fuck."

"Levi! Yoongi stop!" Jungkook gets worried. I sit back up in extreme pain. I pull him to me and kiss him. I feel him calm down in my arms and wrap his arms around me. I pull back and look at him. Shock surges through his face.

He touches the stinging part on my face. "Oh my god. I hit you." I reach up and touch his hand on my face. I start to feel dizzy. My leg hurts so bad. I then realize that my pants feel wet. I touch the wet spot.

I pull my hand up and look. "Jin." I turn to look at him. His eyes widened. I stand up off the bed. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Yoongi grabs me to keep me upright. "It's not your fault." I feel a tear hit my neck. Yoongi was crying.

Jin runs over and puts his shirt on it, putting pressure. "I have to take off your pants." Jin talks calmly. I nod trying to stay awake. I'm so dizzy. A nurse runs in. Jin yanks my pants off. Everyone is now awake.

"Stay with me, baby."

"Her stitches broke. I'm going to have to do them now. I don't have time to get an anesthesiologist here. She's losing too much blood." I breathe deep.

"That's going to hurt like hell!" Yoongi stops him.

"She will die if I don't. Yoongi we don't have time." The doctor runs in and looks at me. I put my hand on Yoongi's.

"It's ok baby. I can take it." The doctor runs out then back in. I lay down on the bed. Yoongi braces me. I'm propped up on him. He holds my hand.

"Ok. Get ready. If she passes out, talk to her in her ear." Yoongi nods. I can still feel his tears. He kisses my cheek. The doctor starts to stitch. I hold in my screams and squeeze Yoongi's hand.

"Almost done baby." The doctor finishes. Jin grabs me fresh pants from my bag.

I start to get more dizzy. "I love you." I pass out.

I wake up in Yoongi's arms. Everyone has gone back to sleep. The light shines in through the window. I get up slowly not to wake anyone. I get dressed in some different clothes.

 I get dressed in some different clothes

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I quickly do my hair and makeup.

I quickly do my hair and makeup

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I walk out of the bathroom

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I walk out of the bathroom. Everyone is still asleep. I smile at Yoongi's sleeping state. Jungkook's eyes open.

"I'm going to get coffee," I whisper. He nods slowly. I walk out.

When I walk down the hall the hospital is silent. Nurses walk around but not a lot is happening. I turn to go down the hall to the coffee shop and I am grabbed into another room. I squirm in the person's grasp. I'm punched in the face.

"What the hell?!" I see a girl I haven't seen for years. My brother's ex-girlfriend. "Irean."

"Long time no see. Where's your brother and his slut?"

I struggle against her grip. "That is none of your concern."

She pushes me into the wall and raises a gun. "Oh really? Why don't I just go get your boyfriend instead?"

I block the door. "Don't touch him or anyone else," I remember quickly that Jin put a tracking app on my phone.

Now that I'm in the gang we need something to know where everyone is. If I click my power button three times it sends my location to all of them and makes their phones ring. I reach back and do so.

"Or what?"

I raise my gun as realization fills my body. "Oh my god." I tilt my head. She's the one.

She smirks. "Surprise bitch. You're not the only Princess around the agency anymore." She works for the MSS?

I load my gun. "You could never live up to the expectations as a princess. They are using you. Don't you see that?"

She laughs. "Ya right. Listen why don't you just give your brother up."

"If you want him so bad then why did you try and kill him?"

"Wow. You're smart."

I smirk. "A little smarter than you think." The door flies open.

Yoongi in the lead. "Move and you're dead." He points his gun at her.

"Wow. Back up. That won't stop me and you know it. I'll be seeing you soon." She smiles.

"Yes, you will. When I'm pulling the trigger and ending your life just like you did to my nephew. Sucks, when someone has control over your life, doesn't it?"

She narrows her eyes. "You know nothing."

I scoff. "Your son's name is Quin. Your mother's name is Wendy. Your father is Ethan. Your little brother's name is Randy and your older sister is Tia. Would you like me to go on? You live in Korea but work for the MSS now that you want to kill my family. Leave now. Die later."

"Stay here. Die here." Yoongi smirks. She smirks then turns and caresses Yoongi's face. My blood boils. I raise my gun.

She smiles. "He's cute."

"You know what will be really cute? Your brains splattered all over the fucking walls. Take your hands off him and leave or you're a dead bitch." She smirks then leans over and kisses Yoongi on his cheek. "Irean!"

She giggles. "Oh, how I missed messing with the princess. Fine, I'll go and I'll be seeing you soon handsome." She swipes a long finger under his chin. I move and let her walk out. Tears well in my eyes from the anger. Yoongi walks to me and hugs me.

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"Levi." I look into his eyes. "I love you. Only you."

I sigh letting the tears fall. "I know. I love you too. I love all of you." I look at the rest of the gang. "I need coffee."

"Why coffee?" He scrunches his nose cutely. They are still in their PJs.

I poke his nose. "It's a hospital. They don't have anything stronger." I kiss his nose and he smiles. I turn to go and he slaps my butt. I stop and look at him with my mouth wide open.

"Min Yoongi!" Jin screams at him.

"What? She's my fiance."

Jin takes off his slide. "I will beat some manners into you." They go back to the room and get dressed.

I start to plan for when my brother and his wife get out of here. "Oh, Irean. How you have messed with the wrong gang. The wrong family. The wrong agent and all around the wrong girl." I smirk.

"Next." I smile at the barista and order my coffee.

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