P A T H E T I C || 06

123 27 43

- Trigger Warning: Self harm -

Still like she remembered it. The tottering, potted plants, varying  around the front yard were the highlight of the house. Kiara walked along the pebbled pathway - limited to only two persons side by side. Reaching the porch, her eyes immediately went to a mark she'd made years ago. To this day, she doubts anyone even noticed it. Small things like this made her smile. She felt happy. Her heart felt longing for that needed happiness existing behind the door.

Kiara raised her hand and knocked on the cherry wood door. A smile graced her lips seeing the person who shares her features all too well. Candace - dressed in a simple, black and gray half sleeve dress - didn't need to double take to see that on her doorsteps was her darling daughter.

Her quick action to wrap her arms around the young woman made Kiara loose her balance. Though she didn't fall, her mother's bone crushing hug was tight enough to keep her upright.

She tried to hug back but failed with a deteriorating breathing, "M-mommy..."

Candace immediately let her go. The sudden rush of oxygen made Kiara hold onto her mother's shoulders for support. Candace's smile - which was present throughout their hug - turned to a frown instantly as her russet eyes took a good look at Kiara.

Her daughter's eyes looked dull; turning it from brown to black. Her cheeks no longer held that faint coral pink that'd turn rose when she blushed. The allure of her round lips were now gone with dry skin.

Candace didn't know what to think of Kiara's appearance. She'd never seen her daughter like this before. The first thing she said was unexpected to Kiara "Did you kill someone?"

Her daughter shook her head slowly. Confused as to why her mother asked such a question.

Candace leaned against the door and folded her arms. With a frustrated exhale, she started Kiara's interrogation, prepared for the worst, "Did you hurt someone badly? Are they in the hospital? How much is the bill? Does the police know? Oh God, don't tell me you're running from the-"

"Momma! I didn't do anything bad." Kiara sighed and tried running her fingers through her hair. She was unsuccessful. Her hair was a long knotted mess and she couldn't get her fingers out of it.

Candace laughed a little at her struggle to untangle her fingers from her hair,"Let me help you, darling."

She removed herself from her position at the door and got closer to Kiara. Moving her hands through the tangles, she leaned closer for a better look, "Oh my!!"

Kiara was startled at Candace's exclamation. Her mother's face scrunched in utter disgust as she blocked her nose with the back of her hand, "When was the last time you washed your hair? It looks messy and smells disgusting!"

Kiara lowered her head in embarrassment. Though it was her mother she still felt ashamed of herself for letting her sorrowful emotions affect her hygiene.

She spoke no response to Candace who wore a now disappointed look, "Go and take a shower. We'll talk after." Her mother moved to the side; keeping a good distance from Kiara as she entered the house.

Despite her previous feelings, a wide smile danced on Kiara's lips as her eyes caught sight of so many different things -- replaying long forgotten memories.

She missed home.

Her visits were limited to once ever few months. During college, she came every few weeks. However, she didn't stay longer than a day. It was clear Candace disliked her daughter's short-lived, rare visits.

It got worst when she started working. According to her contract for her previous company, she was obligated to one week off every two months. One day visits were impossible, not like college. The distance between her hometown and where she lived couldn't be travelled in a day.

She travelled overnight to get here. Her stench was caused by stress. When she's nervous, her hands get sweaty. When she's stressed, her head sweats.

It's quite complicating and Kiara couldn't even think of telling her mother that she'd driven throughout the night all the way here crying because of the Mayor's words.

As much as she'd hate to admit it, what he said hurt a lot. So much that she needed to get out of town.

Kiara knew Candace too well. Not only will her mother drive over to shout at the Mayor, but she'd also wanna put him in the hospital. That can't happen. Despite the mayor's vile words, he was still her boss.

I can't tell her.

So much thoughts prohibited her from focusing on finding a logical excuse for her disgusting state.

"Ugh!" She slammed the door of her sizeable, childhood bedroom. Her own mind annoyed her, "Stupid." She spat at herself, "Can't you think? Pathetic!"

Kiara walked more into her room and started making jesters with her hands as her anger grew, "You have one job! Think, think, think! All you have to do is think!"

She dropped herself on the bed and screamed into the mattress. It didn't take long for her voice to crack.

"Kiki, darling are you okay in there?" Candace asked from the other side of the door.

Kiara couldn't bring herself to answer. She just cried.

All I do is cry!

Candace, hearing no response, knocked on the door patiently. She didn't wanna just barge in the room. "Kiki, I brought some towels for you."

Maybe Candace should've entered the room. That might've stopped Kiara from holding a scissors in her hand.

Ready to cut . . .


Hey loves! I'm backkkk♡

Literally NOTHING which happened in this chapter was a plan. I just started typing and this is the outcome. Sorry it's a short chapter.

Thoughts on the chapter?💬

Predictions? 🔮

Love y'all!!💗

- Syddie

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