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"You need friends."

I rolled my eyes at aunt Darcy's statement.

"I have a friend. Her name is Sara. She's a receptionist where I work."

Honestly, I didn't really consider Sara my friend since we just met, but I'm not gonna let aunt Darcy know that.

"Hmm, sure." Even though I couldn't see her face, I knew she had her lips puckered and doing the face.

You know, that face.

"Do you even have any friends?" I asked annoyed

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"Do you even have any friends?" I asked annoyed

"Of course I do. There's Vanessa from work, Jada my hairdresser,  Lela, Candace, Marcus and Caleb I've known since high school. John-"

"Alright! I gotta go or I'll be late." I quickly hang up the phone.

How is it my aunt who's almost forty has more friends than me.

Sad life man.

"Okay!" I sighed in exasperation. I just spend 40 minutes in this  damn hot bathroom curling my hair.

I'm trying to do a new look.

On a normal day I'd either wear my hair straight with curled ends or just my natural 4b curls. Today I decided to wake up an hour earlier to curl all my straight hair.


When I tell you this is the last damn time I'm doing this shit. I'd be damned if I let hair make me have a meltdown.

I think the fuck not.

• • •

I hate today.

I felt tears brim my eyes as I entered City Hall. I literally wasted all that time curling my hair just for the wind to mess it up in one blow.

I feel stupid. I should've used hair spray before curling it. My hair is literally the craziest it's ever been.

To make it even worst, I was in such a hurry to leave and not be late that I didn't even have time to grab a hair tie. So now I can't even hold my hair up and make a bun or something to make myself presentable.

"Morning, Kia- oh," Sara stopped mid sentence.

I forced a smile, "Good Morning!"

She gave me a genuine smile in return and tried her best to avoid looking at my hair.

I quickly signed in and headed to the elevator. 

I'm fucked.

I don't even have any hair gel to lay my hair down straight. I could use water, but that would make my hair curl up.

So I'm stuck with frizzy hair. 

Well, until lunch time. Then I can go home and make it look better than a bird's nest.

"Maybe I should just go bald." I mumbled to myself as I entered my office.

"Immediately, no."

I screamed as I heard Cole's voice. He was sitting in my office chair with his phone in his hand.

"How the fuck did you get in here?!"

He gave me the most bored look, "Well you see, there's this thing called a door-"

"Alright smartass." I rolled my eyes and set my things down.

How did I not even notice my door was unlocked.

"Is this hairstyle a new trend or..." he trailed.

I ignored him and got my things ready. I have to meet the mayor before the first meeting of the day.

As I moved around my office, I could feel Cole's eyes on me.

I really wanted to ask him about what happened with Mika, but I don't wanna push it and make him feel uncomfortable.

However, He seems calmer than he was yesterday, so it won't hurt to try.

"Um....about Mika-"

"I don't wanna talk about her." He interrupted me.

"Not that Mika. The other Mika." I explained.

Cole looked confused.

I rolled my eyes, "The Mika who hugged you last week."

Realisation dawned on him, "Ohhh, you mean Riley!"

I blinked and stared at him. I'm pretty sure she told me her name was Mika Mills.

Well, not really tell, but show.

"She basically told me her name was Mika Mills."

He didn't get a chance to respond before the mayor walked in the room.

He looked at Cole, then to me, then back again at his son.

Cole kicked his feet up on my desk and I held myself back from going off on him. His shoes weren't visibly dirty, but it still touched the ground.

"Cole, I thought you weren't coming in today."

"I wasn't, but I wanted to see Skit- Kiara, so I came."

The mayor didn't seem to notice his little slip up, "Well I need to speak to Ms. Nills."

Cole waved his hand in a carry on motion and placed
his attention back to his phone.

"Alone." His father emphasised.

Cole let out an exhausted sigh and got up, "I'll be back for you at lunch, Skittles."

Why did he have to call me that in front of his father?

He left the room and the mayor looked bewildered, "This boy eats junk food so often he's planning time with them," He shook his head, "I'll never understand these children today."

I laughed at what he said - trying my best not to make it awkward.

"Anyways, I came here to let you know that there's a change in today's meeting. As you know, we were only expecting five people, but one of our guests called in earlier to inform me five more people will be coming along. So,  I'd like for you to make the necessary changes to the meeting room to accommodate our additional guests."

● ● ●

Have you ever realised you existed. You, along with millions or others, exist on a small planet.  This planet seems enormous but there's others even greater. Just like you think an ant is the smallest thing, we're kinda like ants. We can't see germs cause- I think it's because it's so small. Either that or because it's- idk- germs?

Anyways, byeee

- Syddie ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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