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- Third Person's POV -

Kiara smiled at Cole's compliment, looking down to hide her brightening cheeks in hopes he wouldn't notice, "Thank you," Her reply was barely audible, yet Cole still heard her.

He opened his eyes and sat up, a smile making it's way to his lips as he saw the light pink coloring her cheeks, "You look cute when you blush."

His second compliment did nothing to help Kiara. Instead it made her loose the struggle to keep her smile litte. Cole, as much as he'd hate to admit it, wanted to see her smile. Her hair -- which was an eye-catching mix of hazel and chestnut -- covered an unwanted majority of her face because of the positioning of her head.

"Look at me," he couldn't help it, he wanted to see her smile. "Please, Skittles."

His smile widened when she started raising her head, but it was quickly washed away at the look of her frown. "I told you to stop calling me that. I'm not a snack."

"You look like one though," His unexpected words left Kiara with no response. Cole smirked at her speechless state.

Kiara, not wanting to be in the same room with him anymore, got up and started closing the tabs on her laptop; ready to leave.

Cole pouted and rested his chin on the desk, "I'm bored." Kiara didn't even look up from her laptop, causing Cole to sigh annoyingly loud - wanting her attention, "Oh how I wish someone, anyone, would do something fun with me." Still, she ignored him and began packing up her stuff, "Skittlessss."

Kiara sighed and gave him the most annoyed look she could muster, "You're quite annoying when you're bored."

"You're quite rude when you're annoyed," Cole responded. "That attitude could get you in trouble one day."

She laughed sarcastically and rolled her eyes, "I'm not stupid, I know when to keep my sass on a low."

"I never said you were stupid. You definitely are sassy though."

"Great observation," at this point, Kiara had everything she came with in her hands and she was ready to leave to her office.

"There's that sass again," He sat up. "I wonder if we can ever have a simple conversation with no attitude or sarcastic remarks from you."

"Well, if you stop calling me Skittles, we just might," She shrugged and walked to the door.

"Are you going to the convention Friday?" He asked.

Kiara stopped and turned to him, "How do you know about that?"

Cole rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat, "Well, my father is the Mayor."

That wasn't what Kiara meant with her question. He just didn't seem like the one to be interested in anything related to the Government. Instead of clarifying her question for a suitable answer, Kiara just decided to answer him, "Yes, I kinda have to be there. My help will be needed with making preparations for your father's arrival."

Cole huffed, "He acts like he's King. He's just the city's mayor. Not even president; yet he raises his nose at everyone that passes him. Such a snob." He stated, his eyes looked at nothing in particular, yet they stayed the same place.

His statement caused Kiara to walk back to the table. She layed her things down and looked at Cole, "That's not a nice thing to say about your father. He's just very proud of his job."

Cole got up walked right by her, stopping at her side with his eyes to the door, "There's a difference between being proud of something and being an arrogant a*s taking pride in a higher position." With that, he walked out.

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