C O N F I D E N T || 14

93 14 18

*Kiara's POV*

I stared at my bedroom ceiling. It's 8:50 am and I'm late for work. My thoughts stood still - eager to know about Mika. Questions came one after the other and it grew difficult focussing.

On a normal day, I'd be rushing to arrive on time. Today was different. Today I didn't care. The mayor despises me and his son annoys me.

I haven't spoken to Cole ever since he'd dropped me off at City Hall. He called me a few times that day. I didn't answer.

He's probably locking lips with Mika right now. I rolled my eyes at that thought. It seems like kissing might be all he's good at. I know that from experience.

Both of them kissing was wrong. He kissed me barely two minutes before her. With not a single sign of hesitation, he kissed her. And that a**hole had the f*cking audacity to instigate sex with her.

Hold on. I couldn't really see who was unzipping his pants; but that doesn't matter. He didn't stop her from doing it.

As if that wasn't much of a bother, I'd have to see the Mayor too. The exaggerated sigh I let out filled the quiet sound surrounding me.

At this point I feel like I've lost the ability to be affected by him. Maybe it's because since our car 'situation', he hasn't really spoken to me face to face. All communications were via emails - not even calls.

He arrived sometime yesterday and is definitely coming to work today. Actually, I checked the time on my phone, he's most likely there already. It was now 9:04.

Today is a weird day. I don't feel fear itching at me for being tardy. My priorities were more on what show to watch after work rather than actually arriving to work on time. I don't feel like my normal, cowardly, pathetic self.

I feel different - a good different.

I feel like walking through the office doors looking like the baddest b!tch in town.

Maybe I should. Yes, I'll do that! F*ck what people think. Today is my f*cking day and no dumb b!tch is gonna ruin my mood. I'll dress how the f*ck I want and arrive when I want to.

I got up from my bed and walked to my closet. Most of the outfits I've hung up are pants suits and dresses. Today I'll wear a skirt. I haven't worn any of my skirts in months.

Aunt Darcy bought them for me when I started working at my old job. My insecurities got the best of me and I never wore them out. I would put them on at home just so I could take a few pictures, then take them off.

After digging through some folded clothes, I saw a grey pencil skirt with a low slit on the side. This is good enough. My search continued to find a matching top.

Eventually, I found a turtleneck, floral blouse with a collection of nude flowers. The long sleeves were very needed since my scars are still showing.

[Y'all I accidentally deleted the pic of the outfit. I can't find it. Sorry]

My mother gave me a pack of plasters when I'd left. She said her former college colleague, who's now a plastic surgeon, gifted them to her. I don't know how it works, but it's making my scars go away unnaturally fast.

Checking the time again, I was officially an hour late for work. That didn't stop me from taking my time showering. After finishing up in the bathroom, I realised I forgot to iron the folded skirt.
Seems like I'll be later than I thought.

Outside City Hall was empty of people. It was a Monday morning and surely everyone was at work or school. Judging by the amount of vehicles in the parking lot, I was convinced a great majority of employees were in already.

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