S T A T U S || 05

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- Trigger Warning: Racial Discrimination -

Kiara entered her kitchen with an empty bowl which she ate cereal in. She'd gotten home two hours ago. Her plan was to sleep for at least three hours, but hunger woke her up after less than an hour. Feeling satisfied with her quick snack, she was ready to go back to sleep.

After washing the dishes she'd used, she moved to the counter to wipe down the milk she'd spilled earlier. Her eyes caught sight of the paper bag containing the skittles from Cole. She wasn't planning on eating it, but an unusual feeling for sweet made her get the bag.

"I'll just eat some and give him the rest. Just a little bit," she whispered to herself, taking the Skittles out.

Before she threw the bag away, something inside caught her attention. A folded paper sat at the bottom. She reached in an took it out.

Kiara took the paper and skittles with her and moved to her room. Her suburban house was just what she wanted moving out here for work. Thanks to her mother, who's a real estate agent, she managed to get some quick connections for Kiara. The design was mostly grey and black, everything else was wood. Kiara wasn't very colourful when it came to the inside look. She wanted it to be as simple as possible.

Entering her bedroom, she flopped herself onto the bed, "Okay, what's this?" She moved the paper around in her hands a little then opened it.

Cole Parke

"Nope! Not doing it!"

She slammed the paper down on her bed and took a deep breath, "He gave me his number, why?"

Her indecisiveness was frustrating her. She wanted to call him, but at the same time she didn't.

"I'll just call him tomorrow." That was her final decision.

* * *Four Days Later* * *

He's not here.

Today's the convention and Kiara was really expecting to see Cole.

He didn't answer her call the day after she found his number. She tried calling him many more times during the week; but no answer.

Maybe it was a prank. She thought. Probably not even his phone number. That'll explain why he's not around at City hall. A prank he didn't expect me to fall for and is avoiding me to not talk about it.

Not a funny prank.

I'm being ridiculous!

Why would he prank me like that?

I need to stop thinking about this!

She'll admit it, she likes Cole. Not that like. He just seems like he can be a cool friend.

She wouldn't tell him that though.


I swear, if he wasn't my boss, I'd have shoved a sock in his mouth a long time ago.

Why does he have to shout my name all the time?

With a fake smile, she answered him, "Yes, Mr. Mayor?"

"When Cole gets back, both you and him will visit my office early Monday morning for a very important meeting." He didn't even look at her.

They were seated inside the car, soon to enter the convention. The A/C was on but her palms started sweating and the urge to scratch it made her clench her fist.

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