R E A L I T Y || 15

74 12 45

*Kiara's POV*

Finding out that the woman I've been spending the last hour, having the best time in a long time with, is Mika made me go mute.

Was she the one who Cole kissed?

Maybe not.

As if the universe was pushing a knife in me, I saw a popped notification of a message sent to Mika's phone.

Where are you?

I sucked in a breath and squeezed my eyes shot. Mika heard her notification and took her phone, oblivious to my solid state. I don't feel like being around her. It amazes me how one simple thing as knowing someone's name can cast you furthest from them.

My eyes opened and it never strayed from the woman sitting across from me. She was typing away on her phone, wearing that same pretty smile she'd shown me many times since we've met.

Did she message Cole back?

What are they talking about?

Is he happy that she messaged back?

I wonder how he would've reacted if I'd returned a message instead.

"I have to go." Her sentence interrupted my thoughts.

I nodded at her, not wanting to speak a word. I feel like if I do, I might lose my frail oxygen left.

"Are you okay?" She looked worried and for a small second I felt like it was genuine. Albeit, I forced myself to believe she was faking it.

My body shook a little as I got up from my seat. Not bothering to throw away what I'd used during lunch, I hurried to the elevator.

I felt a growing lump in my throat. I want to cry - but why?

Why does Mika being with Cole bother me?

Why does him liking her bother me so much?

As I waited for the elevator, I felt someone walked up beside me. I knew it was Mika by her hair. I didn't even notice she followed me. We both stayed silent. No effort to gain eye contact was made.

I wanted to ask her about Cole. Does she know more about him? Of course she does! I would never know because I always treat him like sh!t.

He's right - I've never really spoken to him without attitude. I'm a b!tch and he tries so hard to be my friend.

The elevator announced it's arrival with a ding. I stayed still seeing who it brought up. Maybe I should take the next-

"Cole!" Mika moved passed me and jumped into his arms. He raised her up in a hug and smiled.

The dining audience awed and whispered about their "cute" interaction. That was enough for me to walk away from them. I'll just take the stairs, go to my office, and hide away in there like a coward.

I can't stop thinking about Cole and Mika. That f*cker knew I was there. But he still held her like that before me. I forced myself to keep my composure. This is just ridiculous. I don't have any known reasons to be upset by this.

My fist clenched and I used the pain as a reminder of reality. Reality is believed to be that Cole loves Mika. Him and I aren't even friends. If he calls me Kiara, nothing is wrong with that. I need to understand that I wanted this. I wanted him to stop trying to be my friend. I continuously told him to call me Kiara.

Albeit, I still wished he'd try again.

"Ms. Nills, my office." I nearly jumped at the mayor's voice. He spoke through the speaker and I could tell his tone held anger. It was then I remembered my choice of clothes today.

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