H A I R || 07

129 27 52

Imma just say this right now: I don't know a lot about hair. I'm too sick to do enough research. I still updated because I haven't been doing it frequently.

Enjoy the chapter loves! 💗


"Don't burn me."

"Hush, I wouldn't."

Kiara flinched as she felt the hot comb move along her hairline, "You'll burn my edges!"

Candace rolled her eyes, "You're so dramatic, Kiki."

"I saw that eye roll." Kiara looked at her mother through the mirror.

"And? Will you beat me?" Candace pushed her daughter's head a little.

Kiara knew not to anger her mother more, so she stayed quiet. Her eyes were focused on the hot comb. She was starting to regret asking Candace to straighten her hair. Her mother went as far as relaxing and cutting it.

~Three hours earlier~

"Kiki, I think you should get a bob. Ouuu! Maybe some bangs too!" Candace squealed. She always wanted to see Kiara with straight hair. Albeit she loved her natural, kinky curls, she still wanted to see her with something new. "Straight and short will make--"

"Candace, leave my baby's hair alone." Granny Margie spoke from Kiara's bedroom. Her excitement for Kiara spending the weekend encouraged her to fix up the room. She wanted Kiara to enjoy her, sadly, short stay here.

"Ma, she'd look good though!" Candace whined wanting her way. Though she was forty two, Candace still had her often childish moments.

"Girl, shout at me one more time and I'll make your mouth stop moving!" Grandma Margie's threat made Kiara snicker.

'How is that even possible?' She thought.

Candace couldn't get angry at Kiki, she was glad her daughter was showing a little bit of happiness. After her episode earlier, she didn't think her baby would even have the mental energy to display happiness.

Her eyes went to Kiara's wrist. It was covered in a brown bandage - hiding the few marks she lined herself with. Candace never once thought she'd see her baby depressed. Even to the point of cutting.

They decided not to tell Margie about it and Kiara decided not to tell Candace why she did it.

~Present time~

"Ok, let me just comb through it a little," Kiara watched as her mother moved the comb through her hair.

"It actually looks good." A smile graced her lips as she looked at the herself in the mirror. Her once long, curly hair is now bone straight. Candace made its lenght short in the back and long in front with a side part.

"It actually looks good. Kiki didn't you have faith in your momma?" Candace sounded offended.

Kiara smiled, "Not really." She ended her short statement with a loud laugh.

Her mother gasped, "I should've burnt your edges off!"

Kiara quickly got up and ran out the room. Though she was laughing, she was actually afraid her mother was gonna do as she said.

Candace is crazy!

She stopped running and moved at a slower pace when Margie's strict rule against running in the house crossed her mind.

"Kiki," the sound of her name brought her feet to a stop, "Yasss! Candace did you good, mamas."

Kiara smiled, a light blush coating her cheeks, "She did but she wanted to add bangs." Her grimace at the end made her aunt laugh.

Unlike her crazy, often enthusiastic, sometimes frightening mother; her aunt Darcy was more calm.

She wasn't much for being loud. However, she has a tongue than tends to speak things Grandma Margie would smack her in the mouth for.

Darcy moved her fingers through Kiara's hair, "It's so soft. Never thought I'd see you with straight hair. How does it feel?"

"Lighter," Kiara kept her response short. She knew her mother probably told Darcy about what happened.

Though it was her aunt, she doesn't feel like talking about it with anyone, "I'm gonna help granny in the kitchen."

Her sentence was a straightforward excuse from the conversation. 

She walked down the steps but stopped on the last one when she heard her grandmother, "Well, my husband is an officer so I'll get him to contact a tow truck...."

Her voice got muffled and Kiara's was about to call out to her when she heard the door close. Margie walked out the hall and met Kiara.

"Your husband?" Kiara was confused. Her grandfather was dead.

Margie leaned in, keeping her voice low, "There's a man by the door claiming his car isn't working. I feel like he's lying, so I lied too. If he had any bad intentions he wouldn't want to do it anymore. I told him I'll get my 'husband' but I'm actually giving him time to turn back on his plan and go away."

Realization hit with Margie's words, "That's smart."

Margie nodded and walked to the kitchen. Curiosity was eating at Kiara, she wanted to know who the guy at the door was.

Her legs carried her down the hall and soon she was standing in front of the door. Not wanting to open it, she just moved to look through the peephole.

No way . . .


Republished because I forgot to add Aunt Darcy
I'm too forgetful when I'm sick


Predictions 🔮

- Syddie ♡

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