Extended Description

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Twenty-three years old, Kiara Nills, has her eyes set on one thing ━ her career. Passing a month since she's been working as the Mayor's executive assistant, she's proud of herself for keeping the job this long. A normal day at work leads her to meet a guy she sees as a stranger in a place he shouldn't be. Only for her to discover he's the Mayor's son, Cole Parke.

Kiara was definitely not looking for love. She was starting her new career; hoping it would lead her to bigger opportunities. Now, that plan is slowly crumbling with each moment she spends with Cole.

Being so close with a guy who's due to be her future boss ━ yet he acts like he wants to be her friend, maybe even more, doesn't seem right to her.

With time her stubbornness to allow her employer's mischievous, attractive son into her life diminishes. But, as it does, hatred grows towards their closing bond and it becomes clear that not everyone is happy with two races being together.

- Syddie

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