Q U E S T I O N S || 08

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Commentttt I love reading them❣

Enjoy loves!


"What are you doing here?" Kiara kept her voice low in fear of Margie knowing she opened the door.

A look of relief covered Cole's face, followed by a smile, "I had to make sure you were okay."

Kiara didn't know what to say causing a short moment of silence to fall between the two.

She closed her eyes just to focus on what'd be the right thing to say, "Cole-"

"What happened to your hand, Skittles?" His question made her open her eyes just to look at his. They were focused on her neatly wrapped wrist.

She moved her hand, which held the door, behind her and looked down, "That's none of your business. Please leave, you aren't welcome here." She could care less about how harsh her words may have sound to him.

"Did my father hurt you?" His voice sounded cold as if he was trying to find the right tone to ask the question.

Kiara couldn't stand this. She wasn't ready to talk about the incident. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Her sarcastic remark made Cole roll his eyes, "I'm trying to make sure you're okay and you have an attitude for no reason."

He was honestly getting annoyed with her.

"No reason. Cole, I suggest you leave right now before I lose my sh!t." The warning in her voice was evident.

"Why wouldn't you just tell me? I'm looking out for you! I drove all the way here just so I can see that you're okay! What's you problem with me? Why can't you just accept my-"

"Oh, you wanna shout? Let's shout then! I don't give a f*ck if you're looking out for me! I never asked you to come here! If you wanted to 'make sure I'm okay', then why not call me? You have my number from the many times you didn't answer! Then you have the f*cking audacity to come here and refuse to--"

"Enough!" Margie shouted.

Kiara turned around to her voice almost immediately; giving Cole enough room to see inside. Standing barely two feet from them was Margie. Darcy was now walking down the steps and Candace was standing on the last one with a bewildered look on her face.

"Well ain't that a fine piece of white chocolate." Was the first thing Darcy said when her eyes landed on Cole.

Margie gave her daughter a sharp look, "You're thirty five years old, but that wouldn't stop me from connecting my hand to your cheek and changing its colour faster than God can say 'Let there be light'. I will make you see the light."

Candace knew to control her laughter, but she couldn't help but say, "Amen, mama."

"As for you two,"  Grandma looked back at Kiara and Cole, "I don't appreciate shouting from anyone else but me in this house. It's almost 7 pm and you two are arguing like a newly wed couple in an unstable marriage and it's annoying me. Whatever problems y'all got, take it to the sitting room and talk it out!" She did a fast turn on her heels and walked to kitchen.

"Now that is what you call a woman with power." Cole whispered softly as if he was afraid Margie would hear him.

Candace cleared her throat, gaining everyone's attention, "I have a project for work and I'm using the sitting room. Kiki, you and your friend can talk in your room."

Kiara bit the tip of her tongue to prevent herself from arguing, "Fine," she mumbled, "Come on friend."


"Let's play a game," Cole said when they entered her room, "It's very easy - all you have to do is be nice to me for the rest of the day, or week."

Kiara pondered on his game for a few seconds, "Only if you answer my three questions."

"To be fair, I get to ask three questions too." His input left no rooms for discussion.

Kiara flopped herself on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, "Why didn't you answer my calls?" 

"I was busy." The dry answer that came from him made her frown.

"I called you more than five times for a week. Were you that busy?" She felt like he wasn't telling her the truth.

"Yes, I was very busy."

Kiara didn't look at him because she knew she wouldn't have been able to stop herself from saying something sassy.

"How did you know I was here?" Now this was a question she had in mind since she saw him at the door.

"Someone told me." Cole shrugged even though she wasn't looking at him.

"Who told you?" As far as Kiara can remember, she never once told anyone about her home town.

"No, no, no. That's four questions. The game is three questions each. We play fair, Skittles." She looked up at him for a brief moment to stick her tongue out. "You're such a cutie."

"I only did that because showing you the finger would be against the rules of the game." Her tone was laced with annoyance.

"Skittles, sit up."

Kiara wanted to ask why but objected and did as he said. Her movements came to a sudden halt when she saw what was before her, "Do you want me to suck your d¡ck?!"

"What? No!"

"Then why are you so close? Your positions is what a guy does when he wants someone to suck his dick!" She referred to him standing at the foot of the bed and her sitting position making his abdomen in her line of view.

"No, Skittles. We aren't doing that yet." Cole sighed.

"Yet?! I thought this game was PG13!"

"Shhh! Your Grandmother will hear you." Cole whispered.

"All hands on deck!" Grandma's voice on the other side of the door caught their attention.

"May she live long." Cole mumbled.

"Ladies assemble!"

What's going on? 

"Bring the gun!" Candace's voice was heard.


"Ma, where are the bullets?" This time it was Darcy.

"I-is this like a nightly practice thing?" The fear in Cole's voice was evident.

Kiara was unable to think of a response for she herself didn't know either.

"Listen up!" Grandma sounded angry, "To the man on the other side of the door! I might worship God as often as I eat, but if I open this door and see a scratch on my grandbaby, I'm shooting a bullet right through your baby making machine!"


Why can't I ever be constant with updates?

I'm so sorry this is a day late😭

Idk why I gave KiKi such a crazy family smh



Bye dolls!!💜

- Syddie

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