Overlord- The Yellow Clan

Start from the beginning

"They're good," Seb said. "They're already on their way, so they'll be here, like, any minute."

"I want... Uh..." Abigail said. She huffed looking around her room. She forgot what she wanted to say, if anything.

"We'll give you some space," Adam said. "They'll come up."

Abigail stared at them till they left out the door. She observed every corner of her room before her muscles relaxed. She rubbed her paws together. They still felt numb. She spun around in a circle to look at her own back.

The cut from the Golduck's claws disappeared. A knock pounded on her door.

Buizel Zen, shiny Zorua Aaron, and Quilava Gawain came in. Abigail pushed off the edge of her bed, jumped over the water pit, and pulled back from tackling them. She threw her arms around each of theirs.

"Oh my lord..." Abigail huffed, "okay..."

"We're sorry, Abigail," Zen said quietly. He gave her a one arm hug. "We're not letting that happen again."

"They're as good as gone," Aaron said, "this chase isn't going to last."


Abigail managed to snuff out the last of her shakiness in hot water. The others didn't say anything. They stood around the water pit, pacing and looking in different directions through the gathering steam. The lights from the city made a view of yellow, blue, white, and neon below her fogged windows.

"So," Zen finally said, "you feeling a little better?"

"Yah," Abigail said.

"Good. We're, uh, really sorry..."

"It's not your fault. How'd they even get in here?"

"Violently," Gawain said. "Lots of people in the lobby had some blunt force wounds. None of them could even sound the alarm in time. And ten minutes later, you were out on the street."

"Zen," Aaron said, "didn't you say that the Ambipom was from Verity?"

"Jayden Wilfinger," Zen said. "But the public's just calling him 'Riot' since they don't know his real name. He was from a family of journalists. They had an altercation with Veritan police, uhm... You know, you'll learn about all this later, anyways. What do you want to know about?"

"Who were those two guys who were in here?" Abigail asked.

"Oh, Adam and Seb?" Aaron asked. "They're harmless. They're royal guards."

"But I don't know them."

"Wanna meet them?"

"I don't need bodyguards."

"It's not just us being protective of you," Zen said, "no one's ever just come in here like that. We're scared. People are scared."

"Besides," Aaron said, "these guys are good. I mean, we don't trust just anyone with our lives and all."

"I'm supposed to be a Nightlight," Abigail sighed. "Nightlights are the bodyguards. It'd be stupid for me to need one."

"What?" That's just- Okay. Hold on. Do you realize how popular you are?"

"Popular for what? I don't know that many people."

"Okay, like, I get your from the countryside, but I feel like you forget phones and cameras are a thing waaaay too often."

Abigail turned and looked at Aaron. He had a weird expression on his face with his lips pursed and eyes wide like she was going to slap him.

"You looked like a gritty movie star," Aaron blurted. "So, uh, I'm rich. Wanna make out?"

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