Guildmaster- Leader

Start from the beginning

"I'm not obsessing."

Storm reached around the Light's back and gave him a one-arm hug.

"Let's go to the ship," Storm said. "They're waiting for it to be brought around."


Light continued to follow Storm out. The doors ahead slid open on their own.

They walked across an empty rotary with a small roof overhead to the beach. The brisk air felt like small, cold pins on the surface of Light's fur.

Past a short wall of plants, the beach awaited them. The song of the waves got stronger as they got to the white sand on the other side.

Light didn't expect almost everyone from the ship to be waiting on the beach. They were talking at the same time among themselves in different small groups. Slowking Chad and Manaphy Jewel stared out at the ocean, standing side by side just past the different groups. Sky-Forme Shaymin Ariel spoke with Galarian Ponyta Nadia and Mienfoo Robin. Talonflame Roxanne and Emolga Alisha stood together, with neither of their mouths moving. Zangoose Fernand listened to Dewgong Nathan talk about something.

"Uhm, I don't," Light stumbled, "look good for this."

"You don't have to look good around everyone all the time," Storm said.

"I'm not going to embarrass myself."

"Just be a hero," he groaned.

"What?" Light asked. "Be a hero? What's that supposed to mean?"

"What you did was heroic, so be proud. Wear it."

"I... don't see how that helps. But okay?"

"Be in the moment."

With those last words, Storm continued forward. Light stalked after him, purposefully trying to keep his steps quiet on the white sand.

They still turned in his general direction because of Storm walking in so aloof. He got annoyed when a few of them got quiet and started to stare. He wanted to tell them to stop, but he knew it was just a reaction.

Slowking Chad and Manaphy Jewel, noticed the sudden quiet. They turned around, noticed Flareon Light, and cleared the distance. Light stayed put while they came closer.

"Light," Chad greeted, "need a little trim?"

"Uhm, yes," Light answered. Chad gave a smile and coughed to cover up his own laugh.

"Okay. Well, I should have things on board," Chad said. "But I got word it might be a few more hours. For now, why don't-"

Light felt a warm feeling in his head. His anxiety suddenly got hot, and he started to feel like moving around. His arms started shaking, and he was looking around.

"Light?" Chad asked. "Is something wrong?"

Light zipped around, looking at the groups of pokemon to see if they had said something.

"Light? Are you okay?" Chad asked.

A large boom shook the air.

Everyone paused and turned their attention skyward.

"Kaigan is a poor example of what I have to show you, Angelo. I will wait for you in Lao Shen. I will take you on a tour of the true nature of the world. Take your time. I am patient. I will wait as long as it takes for you to see the truth."

A red dot drawing a line of smoke appeared in the sky. It went offshore.

Light fell on his side. A tired feeling overcame him as a circle of chatter and people formed around him, and the Slowking was looking right down at his face.

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