Chapter Fourteen - Next Step

Start from the beginning

A light knock echoed and the door opened revealing Sasha. Her smile was wide as she walked further inside the room.

"Giovanni sent me up. He's bidding everyone before you guys leave. He wanted to know if you were ready."

"I am." Kira pulled at her suitcase.

"I shall be right down."

Sasha looked at Robyn then back at Kira.

"I was hoping to talk to you for a minute."

The small hint was clear. Sasha wanted to talk to Kira alone and Robyn left with no problem, closing the room door behind her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes." Sasha nods. "I just wanted to say a few things."

Kira sat down on the bed and patted the empty spot next to her. Sasha sat down and smiled up at Kira.

"Patience comes key. My brother is a handful and I just hope that you'll give him a chance. He's...a work in progress. He's been through pain before though his man ego won't admit it and I don't want it to happen again. His last relationship was...." She trailed off.

It didn't take but a mere second for Kira to fill in the blanks. She took hold of her sister-in-law's hand and gave them a firm squeeze with a sincere look.

"She did not deserve him."

That she believed. She might have not known the entire background of it all but she knew Giovanni really loved Leah and for her to just leave him standing there, ready to marry her to only leave and embarrass him in front of many is unacceptable.

"No, she didn't" Sasha agrees with a nod.

"Shall I make a promise to you?" Kira suggested with a smile.

"A promise?"

"I promise to do my best to make Giovanni happy and be the best wife I can be to him."

Kira could see how much Sasha loved her brother and didn't want him to go through heartbreak again. Maybe this promise could give her some sort of comfort and belief that Giovanni will be alright with Kira.

Sasha stared at Kira for a few seconds longer before pulling her into a hug.

"I want you to be safe, Kira." Ben gave her a firm look.

Sighing, Kira nods at her overprotective father. "I'm sure I am in good hands."

Then Giovanni was next to her. "She is."

Kira didn't look directly at him. She wasn't trying to be child-like. You could say the kiss has reached her mind again. She questioned herself over and over again, telling herself that it was not a big deal. But it was.

He helped her with her bag and took it outside to the car. Kira bid her father a last goodbye before following him. He had opened the door to the passenger side of the car and she got in. Once he was settled in the driver's side, Giovanni drove off.

The car ride was filled with silence and awkwardness. Kira knew it was her fault for making it that way. About halfway into the airport, she found the courage to speak on the subject, hoping she could put it past her.

"I am sorry." Her tone was soft but her words made him frown.

"What are you sorry for?" He risked a glance over at her.

"I made things awkward after we..." She trailed off, not finding a reason why it was so hard to say 'kiss'.

"It's fine." His facial features were relaxed but Kira felt the need to explain further.

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