Chapter forty six

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Louis POV

"Twenty seven...twenty eight...twenty nine..thirty.."

I hold Harry's nose shut with my fingers. I lean down and place my lips against his. I breathe all of my air into his mouth, praying that he will wake up.

"FUCK HARRY, COME ON!!" I yell and shake his shoulders. "WAKE UP!!" I scream and start all over again with my desperate actions.

"Come on, baby. You are going to wake up. You are going to wake up so we can drive back home and never go back to this shit town. We are going to be together forever after this. You are not going to be the first one to leave. I'm not letting you." I sob while counting to thirty in my head. "You can do this."

I lean down and breathe into his mouth again. I pull away when I feel a jerk in his body. He coughs up water while gasping for air. I yell his name and wrap my arms around him.

"Fuck." I whisper and cry into his hair. He relaxes in my arms without saying a word.

"I'm so, so sorry. I love you so much. Sorry!" I sob and push my face further into his hair. He grabs my hand and pull himself up to look at me.

"I love you too." he says in a weak voice. He tries to smile but the only thing that comes out is a tired expression. I can see that he struggles to keep his eyes open.

"Nonono." I whisper when he close his eyes. "Keep your eyes open, Harry." I stand up and lift him with me. I carry him in my arms towards our car. It hurts in my body from the kicks and hits Jake gave me, but every whimper from Harry's mouth gives me more strength.

"You shouldn't have pissed them off." Harry says in a weak voice and takes a fist of my shirt. I look down at the tired boy in my arms.

"I know." I whisper. He lays his head against my chest and close his eyes again. I let him this time, knowing that he's breathing normally.

We finally reach our car after a few minutes of walking. I place Harry inside and put his seatbelt on before walking over to my side. My breath is heavy after carrying him all the way. I start the car and drive off.

"I've drowned before." he mumbles. I look over at him long enough to see that he's asleep. I wipe my already soaked cheeks as it hits me. I almost killed him. Again.

At home.
"Here you go, Haz." I whisper as I lay him down in his bed. He yawns loud as I cover him with his duvet. I lean down and place a single kiss on his forehead. Even though I want to climb up in bed with him, I can't. My mom is probably already worried.

I close the door as quiet as I can as I leave the room. Anne is standing outside the door, waiting for me. She follows me downstairs. I turn around to face her, knowing that she'll ask me what happened to us. My face is ruined and Harry's face was as white the snow.

"I guess you have something to tell me, Louis." Anne says in a strict tone. Her eyes is worried for me and her son.

"I know." I say and walk into the kitchen. I want to sit down for this. "So I took him to visit my fathers grave, which is in Doncaster where I grew up. After that we went to this fairground thing. And we had so much fun. We went down to this river not far away from there. And we were standing there when this group of guys came and I-" I stop myself when my voice betray me. It cracks up making me look completely stupid in front of her. She give me a weak smile and lays her hand on my shoulder, begging me to continue.

"I know them from my past. They hate me and I don't blame them because I did horrible thing to them. They started talking to us and I had this weird feeling so I held Harry behind me. I didn't want him to get hurt. But I ended up making them mad, so they started beating me up while forcing Harry to watch. And then when I lay there, whimpering and groaning in pain, they took Harry down to the water. And drowned him."

Anne lets out a quiet gasp. She covers her mouth and squeeze her eyes shut as tears starts running down her face. I look away as the guilt fills my heart. I can't imagine the way she's feeling. Her boy physically hurt twice since he met me.

"I'm so, so sorry Anne. I love your son with all my heart. He saved my life. I can't change the things I've done in my past and I probably can't remove all the enemies I've made. I understand it if you don't want me to see him anymore. Just know that I'll love him to the day I die. I'm so so-"

"Louis, stop." she interrupts me. "Your relationship with Harry is clearly not easy, but the way you look at him. The way you treat him. And the new boy he's become since he met you. It shows how much you care for him." she says and take my hand in hers. "As a mother, I only want him to be happy. If he's happy being with you, then I respect that."

I nod and wipe my cheeks. She's such a beautiful woman. It's not weird that Harry grew up to be the boy he is when he was raised by Anne.

"I have to ask-" she says while rubbing my hand with her thumb. "Was that fight caused because of the relationship between you and Harry?" she asks and place her eyes on me.

I stare down at our hands. "I guess you can say that." I nod. "I used to do horrible thing to people. I was awful to almost everyone but especially towards guys who were different. Looked different. Believed in something I didn't. Or loved other guys." I look up and meet her eyes. "I made fun of that guy who beat me up because his family were from Japan. I guess he wanted to take revenge on me. Now that I'm one of those I used to hate. Now that I love Harry"

She nods understanding. I look down at our hands again as my eyes fills up with tears. The memories of me beating up a younger guy in the bathroom at our school fills my head. Me and Stan kicked him as hard as we could while laughing. We had just found out that he was gay. I held his head and put his mouth full of toilet paper. I pressed it into his mouth until he was gagging. Then I laughed at him and said that he wasn't that good at taking things in his mouth. I finished him by spitting right in his face. Just like Jake did to me.

"Listen, Louis." Anne says, causing me to meet her eyes again. "Some people will always have problems with people that are different. Some people will even spend their whole life arguing and wishing for a world where everyone is the same. Where everyone looks the same, believes in the same thing and love the opposite gender-" she stops for a second, clearing her throat without looking away from me. "-but some people, will look at people who is different and think wow, how cool. Some people will except you for who you are. And it's those people are the people you should keep close to you. The world will always be full of people who will demonstrate and fight for similar rights for everyone. Those people, carry the whole world."

I wipe my cheeks again. She's right. She's so right. Being with Harry will be hard in public. People will stare and people will not except us. But my family, Harry's family and our friends will. They will except us. And they will love us no matter what. That's the important thing. I'll fight for Harry. Even when it's hard to be together, I will not let him go. Things will be different from other couples. If we want a family together, it will be different. It will be more difficult. Our kids will probably go through something that other kids don't, but we will support them, love them and help them. We will learn them that the world is full of toxic people that don't understand that love comes in many forms. I will tell them that love is love. And no one can tell them that their dads are not normal. Because everything is normal if it's the right thing for you.

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