Chapter twenty seven

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Harrys POV

"Did you find him?!" I immediately yell when I hit the green answer botton on my phone.

"Yeah, I did. He's inside packing his stuff." Zayn says.

I breathe out. Louis is coming with him. Louis is coming home. I'll see him soon. He'll sit here beside me soon. 

"Thank you so much Zayn." 

"No problem mate. You should just be glad I didn't ruin that pretty face of his." Zayn laughs.

I smile. What would I do without my friends? They mean the world to me. Now Zayn is bringing my best medicine home. The medicine that can help me heal. Not physically, but mentally. I'm still feeling a bit weird about this whole accident. Maybe Louis can help me remember what really happend. He was there and mom said that he was the one who came with me to the hospital.

"Well he's ready now so we better get going." Zayn's voice interrupt my thoughts.

"Yeah, of course." I say. He's about to hang up when I remember an important thing. "Wait Zayn!"

"What Harold?" he asks. 

"Be nice to him, please." I whisper and bite my lip. I don't think Zayn would hurt him, but he's still angry and he could say some really hurtful words to Louis. I don't want him to do that. Louis doesn't deserve them. Even if he left me and all that, he's still important to me. More important than I could ever explain.

"Of course Harry." Zayn laughs and hang up.

I lean my back against the backrest on the bed. I close my eyes and picture Louis' blue eyes filled with happiness as he walks into the room. He will be here soon. He will hold my hand soon and say that he's sorry for leaving me. He will say that he's sorry and everything will be fine. We will be fine.

Louis POV

"How are we even getting out of here? You don't have the driver's license." I ask when we walk outside.

"We are taking a cab." Zayn groans and point at a cab waiting a few meters away.

"That's fucking expensive!" I complain.

"Can you please just stop complaining and shut up? I'm the one paying for this shit!" he snaps.

I look away from him. It's true. I should shut up. I'm complaining all the time. I'm complaining so much that I don't even notice my friends's problems. 

"How did you find me?" I ask after a few minutes of silence inside the cab.

"It's not hard to find someone with internet." Zayn mumbles. 

"But you don't know Danielle, how could you know where she lives?" 

"Oh my god Louis, just shut up!" he groans. The cab driver give him a weird look. "I'm doing this for Harry okay? Don't think that I still like you."

Ouch. I keep my mouth shut the rest of the drive. Zayn does to. The silence inside this car is so painful. Zayn is listening to music on his earphones which really makes me remember to buy myself a new pair. Music is helps me. Without my earphones, the loud noises hits my ears and bother my thoughts. I used to hate hearing all those sounds, but now I wish they were here. This silence is so much worse. 

"That will be 150,63" the cab driver says when we finally reach the hospital. The clock is almost midnight and it's cold outside. 

"There you go." Zayn mumbles and pay the guy. He step outside the car and give me a glare. 

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