Chapter four

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Harrys POV

The moment Louis fall onto the ground, I panic. I sit down on my knees beside him.

"Louis?" I shake his shoulders carful in hope that his beautiful blue eyes will open and look at me again.

"Louis!" I yell.

I really dont like this. Fuck! I should never have asked him about Doncaster. Something about the way his eyes flickered when I said it, tells me that something bad happened there.

I lift his head up and push my arm under his neck while pushing my other arm under his feet. I've never been so relieved over my strong arms as I am now. He's not heavy. Not at all, but I would never want to drop him. I carry him all the way until we are standing beside the road. I call for a taxi. I tell the driver that he fell asleep to answer his worried eyes.

I have no clue where he lives or where to take him, so I end up taking him to my place. When we reach my house he mumbles something. I cant catch it at first.

"Harry" he whimpers making me blush. My name sounds wonderful coming from his beautiful lips. I really wonder if they are as soft as they look. If they taste as good as they look.

I push my embarrassing thoughts away and climb out of the car to get him. I place my hands under him again and blush as one of my hands touch his perfect butt. I kick the door open and carry him up the long stairs and into my bedroom. I lay him down carful and cover his body with my duvet. I sit down beside the bed and just watch him. He looks so beautiful in sleep. So peachful. But even in sleep, I can see the way his eyebrows forma a hard look on his face. I wonder how he looks like when he laughs. Like really laughs. The type of laugh that makes your stomack hurt. I dont even try to hide the stupid grin that appears on my face as I picture it. I reach out and brush his hair away from his eyes before sitting back against the bed. I try to keep myself awake as I wait for him to open his eyes.

A few minutes later....

Louis POV

I wake up in an unknown bed. The room is big. The walls are covered with posters of bands and artist's I've never heard of. My head is dissy and I have no clue where I am. My thoughs are answered when I hear a light snoring from the floor. I look down and see a curly haired head. Fuck. Please don't tell me I slept with him or some shit. I lift the duvet and see that my clothes are still on.

Unsure what to say or do I awkwardly cough. Harry rub his eyes and turn around to face me.

"Um hey." he says with a weak smile on his face

"Hey" I whisper as I look down on my shaky hands.

"Um... How *cough* how are you.... um....feeling?" he asks awkwardly.

"How did I end up here?" I ask ignoring his question.

He looks at me with a worried look in his eyes before he sits down beside me and hand me a glass of water from the nightstand. I ignore the disgust I feel out of the thought about drinking from the same glass as him and take it.

"You... um... fainted or something. I really dont know, you dont remember anything?" he says and break our eyecontact.

"Louis. I'm sorry".

What is he talking about? Did he do something to me?

"Sorry for what?" I ask and take a sip of the water.

"We were asking each other questions and I.. um I asked you about Doncaster." he says and look down on his hands.

"And then you kinda panicked or something."

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