Chapter twenty

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My hands are shaking so bad. For the first time in a while now I feel like I could really use a drink. I know I can't. Harry would be so disappointed. I've showered and changed into clean clothes now. My mom had to help me get into the shower, which was pretty awkward but I didn't actually care. My cast is completely ruined, but I'm taking it off in a few days anyway. I know that I'll stay in the hospital for a long time, so I chose to wear a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Harry's hoodie. It smells like him. It reminds me of him and I need that right now. I check my phone again. Liam should have been here now. I need to see Harry now. 

"They will be here soon Louis." mom smile and sit down beside me in the couch. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep for a few hours before you go and see him? You haven't slept at all."

"I'm okay. I can't sleep." I whisper. "I know the nightmares will come back."

"Have you taken your medicine the last days?" mom ask.

"Yeah." I shrug. I already hate them. They are actually going to make me more calm and stuff, but they make me feel like shit. It's horrible.

"You know it's for the best right? Especially now that Harry-

"I get it mom." I groan and hold up my hand to silence her.

"You are not going to force me to go to school on monday are you?" I ask and look down at my hands.

"Louis I-

"Forget that I asked." I roll my eyes and stand up. I step into my toms and walk out of the house. I sit down on the stairs and try to ignore the bag of blood covered clothes laying beside me. They are completely ruined. Covered in Harry's blood. I pull the arm on my hoodie up a bit to take a look at my cast. I pull it fast down again and cover my mouth. It really feels like I'm going to throw up. 

"Are you okay?" Liams voice breaks me out of my head.

"Yeah." I mumble and stand up.

"Is that Harry's hoodie?" Niall ask when I climb into the car.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Looks good on you. You guys should switch clothes more often." he laughs.

"I ship Larry." Zayn says causing all three of them to laugh.

"Larry?" I ask confused.

"Yep. Harry and Louis. Larry." Zayn turn around and give me a smile.

I know they want to make me feel more happy, but it makes me more sad. The way they are talking about me and Harry like we are together. We are not. When Harry wakes up, he will tell me that he hates me and that he never want to see me again. If he we're awake he would have slapped me across the face like his sister did. 

"Are we there yet?" I groan after a few minutes in my own head. 

"Almost." Liam mumbles.

The drive to the hospital seems like forever. I'm impatient to meet Harry. I need to see him. I need to see that he's still alive. I know he is, but I need proof. Maybe my mind can relax a bit more.

"Here we are." Zayn huff as we park the car outside the hospital.

That building is really fucking ugly. I don't want to be here. I hate hospitals. But Harry is here, and I need to be wherever he is.

"God I hate this smell." I groan when we step inside. I feel like I can smell the number off sickness and deaths.

"Same man." Niall says and wrinkle his nose.

My hands are soaked in sweat when we reach the room Harry is staying in. Liam, Niall and Zayn are standing behind me. They are waiting for me to open the door. I try to reach out, but my mind doesn't seem to work. I know deep down that Harry don't want me here. 

Save me - Larry stylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu