Chapter thirty five

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Louis POV


"Wake up!!!"

"Please, baby. Wake up!!!"

I slightly open my eyes. My head is hurting and it feels like I'm bleeding. Not just from my head. My whole body feels like it's bleeding. It takes me a moment to remember why. But when I do, I wish I hadn't.

"Omg, Louis!!" mom yells and rap her arms around me. I can hear her quiet sobs into my hair. I'm laying in her lap, just like the old days. Her face is soaked with tears and her eyes is filled with fear.

"I fucked up, mom." I whisper. She pulls away to look at me. I meet her eyes. "I ruined it. I ruined everything."

I break down. Just when I think that my body is empty of tears, I'm being surprised . I don't try to keep my sobs quiet because there is no point. Every sound that escapes my lips, is filled with sadness. Mom pull me closer and hold me tight again. I can hear the way she's crying as well into my hair. She knows that something is up. I've never been this broken before. Not even when dad died. I was more angry when he died. Angry that a wonderful person like him was taken away from me. I remember reading a quote at his funeral saying "If you ever wonder why the best people dies first, just picture yourself on a flowery. You pick the flowers that is most beautiful. God does that with humans". I never really understood what that ment. Now I do. God choose to take the most wonderful people. He took my father, punished my mom and now he's taken Harry.

But Harry was too beautiful, so he chose to let him leave without too much damage.

Harry's POV
I look up and meet my friends' faces. Their expression is all different. Liam is covering his face with both of his hands. Zayn is shaking his head with his eyes closed. And Niall looks so angry. They all came as soon as I called Liam. I couldn't stop crying. Gemma tried to comfort me but I pushed her away. I yelled at her for touching me. I didn't mean to, but her touch just burned on my skin. It hurt so much because I want comfort, but not from her. Not from the boys either. I want Louis.

"Did he tell you?" I ask and look between my three friends sitting infront of me in the bed.  No answer. They look down to the floor the same time. I can't tell if it's because they are ashamed or afriad to tell me, but I know they knew. They knew all the time.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whisper and rub my face. I'm starting to feel a headache from crying so much now.

"I don't.....uhm....we thought you knew." Liam stutters.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." Zayn says with the tears in the back off his throat.

"Yeah, we should have told you." Niall whispers and lay his hand on my tight. I stare down at it. I wait for it to rub my tight like it always does. But then I remember that it's Niall's hand. Not Louis. Louis is not here.

"It's fine. It's not your fault." I try to give them my best smile, even though I don't have any.

"I'll fucking kill him." Niall groans. Liam and Zayn stare at Niall the same time as I do. Niall is not the person to say something like that. Neither are Liam and Zayn. I guess Louis brings out some new feelings in them as well.

"No." I shake my head. "You won't even touch him"

"Harry he-"

"I don't care Niall! He's important to me." I yell. "still"

"Why?" Zayn asks and push his hand through his hair.

"Because I-" I look down at my hands. I pick the skin around my nails and watch as the blood starts pumping out. "-I love him". The room turns awkwardly quiet. I'm sure that if I dropped a needle, we would hear it. I can feel the way they are all staring at me. And I wonder for a second if they think I'm crazy. But then I can feel three strong bodies around mine. They lay their arms on each others shoulders and keep me in the middle. This hug. This hug is exactly what I need right now. They keep me safe from everything. Nothing can come past them and hurt me.

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