Chapter fifteen

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"It will be fine Louis." Harry assures me as we step inside the crowded hallway. I really hate this hallway. 

"I don't know Harry. I don't want to be alone all day." I mumble. 

"You won't. You can eat lunch with me and my friends. It's only me, Niall, Zayn and Liam." 

I don't respond. It's not that I don't want to, but eating lunch with four freshmans will really make me look like a complete idiot. Why do I even care? Stan can go to hell. And so can Trev and Mark. And definitely Eleanor.

"I understand if you don't want to." Harry shake his head.

Shit. He's upset. "Harry. I would love to eat lunch with you." I laugh.

His face light up. Wow he's beautiful. 

"You know you ar-

I stop my sentence when I spot my friends, I mean old friends, by my locker. Shit I really don't want to do this all over again. My face is still blue and sore from yesterday. A gasp escapes my mouth when Stan turn his face a little. His nose is completely broken, even worse than Harry's. His left eye is surrounded by a blue ring. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Harry ask concerned when he notice who I'm staring at.

"No. It's fine." I shake my head. 

I actually want Harry to come with me, but this is not his fight. I know what Stan is capable of doing, and there is no way on earth that I want Harry implicated in this mess. 

"I'll see you at lunch break." I mumble and walk towards my locker.

Eleanor is the first one who notice me as I come closer and closer to them. She give me a death stare before nodding towards me causing Trev, Mark and Stan to look at me. I have no idea where this will lead. 

"Can you please move?" I ask polite as I reach my locker. Stan is blocking it and I'm starting to wonder if he's doing it on purpose. 

He just stare at me without moving. "Come on Stan I'm not gonna fight you again." I groan.

"No you shouldn't. Because if you do, I swear to god that I'll kill you!" he say through his teeth. 

"Come on guys. Just move on and we can all be friends again." Mark shrugs.

"No. He's dead to me." Stan raise his voice and step closer to me.

"You are dead to me Tomlinson!" he yell and walk away. Eleanor follow him and grap his hand. Bitch. Trev laughs and walk away from me to, leaving me and Mark alone.

"Louis he will forgive you."

"I don't care. He can go to hell. I don't need him." I say. It's damn true. I don't need him, Mark or Trev. Anyone exept from Harry is not important. Yeah I said it. But only in my head.

He laughs a little and look down at his hands. "Of course you don't. You don't need anyone Louis."

Mark is actually the only one of them I can tolerate. He's a pussy sometimes but he's not that bad. I wonder how he ended up like this. All of us have a secret. Stan, Mark, Trev and me. We all have a reason why we ended up like this. We never talk about it. We are not that type of friends. I don't think we actually are friends. We are just a group of fucked up boys who get drunk and go to stupid parties together. I've "known" them since I moved here, but I've never had a relationship to them. Not even close to the relationship I have with Harry, and I've only known him for like three weeks. 

"Just go after them. It's not like you care about me." I roll my eyes. He looks a bit hurt when he looks up from his hands. 

"You are strong Louis. Just remember that." he whisper and walk away.

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