Chapter eighteen

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Louis POV

"Come on Harry, hurry up!" I yell and knock on the door.

"Don't stress me!" he yell back.

I laugh. Harry and I have spent most off the time in this bedroom. We have been laughing, talking, crying and kissing for hours now. It pissed me off that Stan and the guys showed up. They knew I would be here and that's why they came.

"Can I go and get us some more to drink while you are doing whatever is taking so long?" I laugh.


The living room is even more crowded now. More people have showed up. The music is even louder and people are more wasted. I spot Marks blonde hair on the couch. I quickly look away and pray to god that they don't come after me. I grab a bottle of beer and a cola for Harry. I've only had one drink tonight and I'm fine with that. I don't want to get wasted.

"Hi." Eleanor says and lean her back against the kitchen table.

"Bye!" I wave and start walking away from her.

"Where are you going?" she ask and follow me upstairs.

"Go find someone else to bother." I groan.

"I'm not bothering you. I just want to talk to you."

"And I don't want to talk to you." I say when we reach the room me and Harry are staying in.

"Harry is not there." she says.

"What?" I snap.

"Chill. I saw him downstairs, that's why I came to talk to you. He was talking to a blond girl in my class."

I look at her and search her face for a lie. If what she's saying is true, I need to find him asap. Why would Harry go and talk to a girl when we were having fun? Maybe he didn't enjoy it as much as I did.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Don't be jealous. I bet he don't enjoy having her tongue down his throat as much as he enjoy talking with you." she smirk.

"Shut up and take me to him, now!" I demand and grab her arm.

"Okay, okay. Take it easy." she says.

We walk downstairs. Eleanor still have a stupid smirk on her face. I swear if she is lying...

"Hell no." I groan when we reach the sofa where Stan and the guys are sitting.

The table is covered in cigarettes and empty bottles. I can smell on the thick air that they have been smoking weed. And they want me to join. No way. Not again.

"Sit down Tommo. Have a joint." Stan smirk.

He's wasted. He can barely talk and his eyes are bloodshot.

"I'm not going to smoke with you." I say.

"Chill. Your boyfriend will be here soon." he laughs and take a blow.

"He's not my boyfriend." I groan. I don't like the way my heart ache when I say it.

"Sure." Stan roll his eyes. "Why are you hanging with him then? He seems so fucking boring."

I want to yell at Stan for talking like that about Harry, but I can't. He will understand that I feel something for Harry. And when he understands that he will use him. I can't let that happend to Harry.

"He won't stop stalking me." I lie. "i'm just messing with him. He seems to think that I'm in love with him or something." shit. I need to shut up.

Save me - Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now