Chapter twenty two

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A week later

I swallow down the rest of the liquor in the glass. How depressing isn't this? I'm sitting alone in this bar in a dirty t-skirt and a pair of black jeans. My phone is vibrating in my pocet. It's probably my mom. She have been calling me non stop since I ran out of the house. I trashed my room again and left her to clean it up. I know she's disappointed. She found out that I haven't been going to school this week. I lied to her everyday. I told her that I was going, but when I left the house I went to the park and sat there for hours.

"An other one." I groan and hand the guy in the bar my glass. He shake his head. I have been asking for "an other one" the last hour.

"Who broke your heart?" he ask and fill the glass.

"What makes you think I'm heartbroken?" I snap and take the glass from him.

"I have been working here for two years man. I know a heartbroken one when I see him." he laughs and continues washing empty cups. "So what did she do?"

I look up at him. I don't know him, but at this point I'm so drunk that I don't even care. I need someone to talk to.

"He didn't do anything. It's all my fault." I huff and take a sip of the drink.

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad."

"I said some real shit about him, which caused him to run over the street. He got hit by a car and now he's in a coma. Plus, I slept with his sister." I shake my head. It sound so awful when I say it out loud.

"Wow. That really is bad." he laughs. I want to punch him for laughing at me like that. My life is maybe fucked up, but it's definitely not a comendy. "But if he's like your boyfriend or something, then why aren't you with him at the hospital?"

"I can't." I whisper. I haven't been visiting Harry since I spoke to Gemma. I don't know why it freaked me out that she told me she wanted me. This whole situation is just a big mess. I just wish Harry was here to help me. I wish he could hold me and tell me that I'm good enough for him. Because even if I know it's not true, I want to hear it from him. I miss him so much. His beautiful face. I thought it was painful to see him laying in the hospital bed, but this is even worse. Not seeing him at all.

"You know, if I were you I wouldn't have given up that easy. You should fight for him." he smile and walk out from behind the bar to sit down beside me.

"What's the point? He's better of without me anyway." I let out a sad laugh when I realise how drunk my voice is.

"Maybe. But are you better of without him?" he ask and take sip of his own glass.

No. Fuck no I'm not. I hate the person I am without Harry. I hate the person I was before Harry. And I actually kinda liked the person I was when I was with Harry. He makes me a better person. Without him, I didn't feel like I needed to drink or fuck away my pain. Without him I didn't feel like I needed to act like a dick towards everyone.

"I take that silence as a no." he laughs.

"What do you want me to do? I can't wake him up from the coma!" I snap. If he wants to keep that beautiful face of his he should really stop laughing at me.

"No, but you can be there for him. You can at least act like you want him to wake up and stop getting drunk at eight PM."

"Fuck you. Don't talk like you know me. I want him to wake up. That's all I want. I care about him! That's why I keep my distance! I'm dangerous!" I yell and smack some money down on the table.

"Good luck." he smile when I stand up and walk away from him.

"Asshole." I mumble when I reach the door.

Save me - Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now