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I smiled as Marilyn handed me a piece of Marble cake, "Thanks babe." She nodded before passing some more pieces out. I spun on my heels and proceeded to my seat, I noticed Axel and James walking over to us. James doesn't look mad, well he shouldn't be regardless, I'm 26 not 14.

Before the guys caught up to us I told Marilyn I was going to see Mandy. My cousin, sitting at the corner of the table that was across from mine. Her eyes met mine and she grinned flailing her small chubby arms around, smacking the fork her mother was holding out of her hand.

I padded over to her and gave her an open mouthed smile, "Baba, hey baby girl!" I spoke in my best baby voice. She started to bounce in her booster seat, "gah-gahh!" She yelled clapping. I looked to her mother, "may I?" I put my plate down and held my arms out.

She nodded, "Go ahead, doll." She breathed a sigh of relief, "come here baby girl!" She squealed opening her arms wide so I can grab her.

I lifted her up swiftly, "my baba, you've grown!" I placed her on my hip and bounced her up. Her little pink poofy dress bunched up around her waist showing off her princess diapers, "look at that dress, Baby girl! You look like a princess!" I gasped, smiling.

She giggled, rubbing her nose, which was a bad idea since she had a runny nose, now her boogers are all over her face. I scrunched up my nose, "you got boogies!" I squealed locating an orange napkin, I grabbed it and started to clean her nose, "blauhgah!" She screeched throwing her light brown curled head back laughing. Her laugh was contagious so I started laughing with her.

"Can I take her to my seat?" I asked her mother, she simply nodded.

"I'm kidnapping you, baba." I whisper tip toeing to my side of the room.

She gasped, "ahh! Naow! Blugarh!" She gurgled patting my nose softly. I went to bite her fingers as I sat down placing her on my lap facing me.

She snatched her hands away before putting them on my mouth, I went to bite her again, she giggled pulling away, "naow!".

"Let me eat your fingaaass!" I roured in a deep raspy voice. I lifted my knees to hold her as I readied my hand for a ticklethon.

Her eyes widened when she felt my hand dig softly into her tiny plump belly, she screamed leaning back onto my knees, "I'm the tickle monsterrr, I've come for baby giggles!" I quickly lifted her dress and gave her a rasberry.

I trapped her legs so she couldn't kick me, "baba! Who do you love?" I blew into her face, she patted my chest, "juuuh!" I grinned pulling her into my arms, "and I love you baba!"

"Riley?" A baritone voice called from in front of me, I looked up to see Damon.

Oh Lord, the boy who wore braces, who had little to no hair, the boy that was round and funny, my old best friend stood in front of me completely different.

"Damon?" I squinted my eyes at him, he is now in shape, tall, darker blonde hair, high cheek bones, thin lips, deep blue eye, he grinning showing his brace free mouth. My jaw almost dropped, this guy looks like he just walked out of a male model magazine.

"That's me." He sat in the seat in front of me, "woah," I breathed, "Long time no see, what are you doing here?"

He placed his forearms on the sheer light orang table cloth, "Im a friend of the brides entourage, came as her date. What about you? " Mandy shuffled in my Lap, I turned her Around so she can lean back on my chest, which she did.

"brides best friend and the groom is my brother."

"oh thats right, James, he use to threaten me to make sure I didn't met with you."

That was sorta shocking, I thought he knew I was just friends with Damon. "he's gotten better about that I think."

He looked down at Mandy, "Cute baby. She yours?" I looked down to see her sleeping, I smiled softly, " no but her parents are lucky." I looked back up at him to see him studying me, "Who did you come with?"

I shrugged "nobody," I kissed the top of Mandy's head. "what about you?"

"The woman over there with the purple dress, red head." I turn my head to see who he was talking about but before I could find her I found Axel. Staring right at me, holding plate with a half eaten cake. James and another man talking to him. Tearing my eyes away finally spot the beautiful woman, "she's so pretty, are you two dating?"

He smiled while looking at the woman in purple, "I'm trying but, Sara is giving me a tough time. Good thing momma didn't raise a quitter."

"good thing too! You guys make a cut couple. I will be right back, I have to hand this little pumpkin back," he got up at the same time, "I've gotta run too but here's my number. We should hang out again, soon." He scribbled on a napkin and handed it to me, he leaned over the table and gave me a friendly kiss on my cheek, "till next time, riles, Goodbye." He smiled before walking away.

I clutched the napkin as I put Mandy down into her mothers arms, "I thought she'd never sleep." Her mother chucked.

I nodded mutely before walking away, Damon really glowed. I glance to him and find Sara wrapped around him, they are a good looking couple. I pulled my phone out as I sat down and typed in his number. I saved it as 'Damon'

Me: hey, Damon its me!

My phone binged a few seconds later,

Damon: Hey, didn't think you'd text so soon.

Me: Why not? Im not busy at the moment.

Damon: I see that.

Me: Ill let you get back to your date, bye!

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