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Waking up alone was bittersweet, I should've told him to stay. He left late, that was one of the best nights I've had in a while. He is so handsome, sweet, funny and best of all.. he's not judgmental. I've dealt with too many judgmental people to not be excited when I meet a genuine person.

Smiling to myself the whole time I get ready to enjoy my day off, I'm going to use this day to find some Models. Axel distracted me from doing that yesterday. I'm not complaining though, I will take advantage of all this extra time today. First, I need to look my best. I'm wearing a emerald silk long sleeved blouse, tucked into black wide legged slacks, a cute black and gold belt and black 3 inch heels with extra padding for comfort.

I left my hair in natural curls just added some leave in conditioner. I also did natural makeup with a brown lipstick color. Before heading out I grabbed my folder full of papers that explain what I need in a model to hand out.

30 minutes later

I pull into the parking space at the local cafe. Getting out my car, I see a couple of women walking to the cafe, three to be exact. I walk fast to approach them before they enter, "excuse me! Ladies!" I wave my hand at them and smile big.

They looked at me and kept walking, I tried again, "excuse me! I just need one second of your time." They turned to me, I caught up and started to introduce myself. "Hello, I'm Riley Medina. I have a line of lingerie and dresses for all occasions. I'm looking for models, you three are so beautiful and different from each other. Here are some details and my contact info. You'll get paid of course."

They all took the papers I gave them with small smiles. The tallest one with beautiful wide curves spoke first, "wow! I'll definitely look into it and let you know if I'm interested." Her onyx eyes sparkled with excitement. Her smallest friend, the skinniest one, shook her head, "I'm too small to be a model. Thank you anyway."

"Oh no honey you aren't! You're perfect! I omfont want basic runway models. I want real women of all shapes, sizes and colors! You three are perfect." I jumped in before she kept doubting. I was right, one was pale, thin and short. Another was a dark brown, tall and had curves. The last one hasn't spoke yet, she's reading the paper. But she is super pretty too, she looks to be Indian, I'm not sure obviously since I don't know her personally but She has long black hair, she's average height and on the heavier side.

"Thank you! We will get back to you should we decide to move forward." The small one grinned before skipping into the cafe.

"Bye! The sooner the better. Thank you girls!" I wave at them super excitedly. Today is going to be a great day. I have about twenty papers to hand out today. I'm not going home till I've handed them out to potential models.

After grabbing a bagel and coffee from the cafe I got a call from Marilyn.

"Hey sugar!" She greeted happily.
"Hey, what's up?" I sipped on my coffee as I drove to the mall.

"Just looking at baby stuff. What are you up to?"

"Heading to the mall now. Wanna join?"

"Oh do I!!! Yes please!"

"Okay I'll be there in ten." Her place was on the way to the mall.

"Okie dokie! See you soon!"
We hung up and I started eating my bagel so I didn't have to share because I was starving!

About ten minutes later she was in my car and showing me a bunch of photos that she's using as Inspiration for their baby girls nursery. Her favorite was a butterfly theme. Pale pinks and nudes with hints of white. James likes the princess theme. Powder pink walls, huge gold colored crown on the wall with the mesh netting to cover the bed.

"So, what have you been doing all day?" She placed her phone in her bag I guess to show that I've got her attention.

"Well, trying to get models for my business." I spare her a glance since I just told her for the first time I wanted my own business. She had her mouth open I surprise, " business? Models?"

"Yup, I'm starting. Lingerie business and I'm going to also create dresses. Prom, wedding, red carpet, summer, winter, maternity, all types. Thinking about it now actually, you should model for me too!"

Pregnant women would probably like to have lingerie that is flattering for them and that can fit their bellies.

She grinned, "oh wow! That sound amazing! I'd love to help any way I can!  And getting lingerie to make me feel sexy while pregnant? Sign me up. When do we start?"

"Today if you want. The mall has a huge fabric store. I'm gonna go grab some. While we are there you can look at some and pick some that you'd like me to make for you."

"You could make my maternity shoot dress? Please!"

"Are your sure? You haven't even seen any of my work."

"I trust you."

"Well, look at my sketchbook it's on the back seat."

She grabbed my yellow book and started looking through it. I didn't have anything maternity sketched out since it was a new idea but the dresses on there could be made for pregnant women.

She soft gasped, "oh Riley! You are so talented. These are gorgeous. Wow. Can I have one of these as my dress? Or two actually. I'd buy them."

"Of course. You don't have to pay. It's free publicity from you. Your photos will be everywhere. That's more than enough. Which ones do you like?"
I park my car in the parking garage at the mall and turn towards her.

"I like this one," she pointed to a baby blue mermaid style dress with no straps and small butterflies on the bottom of the dress. "And this one." The second dress was a lavender color, tight around the breasts and Loose fitting after that. It's a chiffon material that would be so pretty with any background.

"Good Taste. We can find those fabrics today. Do you want them in those colors?"

"I'll see when we go inside. I'd like to see the colors on my skin to make a final decision. And I am paying for the dresses." She hurried out the car before I could say anything else.
I smile to myself before getting out, I'm so grateful for her friendship and support.

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