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I'm currently getting ready to go out to the bar with Axel. Axel invited two of his friends and I invited one of mine. Laura is here already and helping me get dressed. She's wearing a hot pink mini dress with silver stilettos and silver jewelry.

I'm going to wear a black silky dress that dips low in the back. I'm adding gold jewelry and gold strapped heels. I color my lips with red lipstick and do a black winged eyeliner. Laura and I straighten our hair, she left hers loose but I put mine in a low ponytail, my long hair stopped mid back. But I'm going to try and keep my hair on my shoulder to leave my back exposed.

Five before the doorbell rang Laura and I took a shot at tequila. It was a car for Laura and I, I had axel send one vs him bring his car here with his friends.

He didn't like it but oh well, Laura and I wanted some girl time anyways. But I'm super giddy to see him.

When we got to the bar it was more like a club honestly. The music was super loud, we stepped in locking and since there was a crowd in front of the entrance. Once we made it through, I spot Axel with two men and three girls. I roll my eyes before piling Laura along with me. I talk myself up and straightened my spine. Lifted my chin to be confident.

"Hey," I smiled at Axel when he turns and his eyes slowly take in my outfit. Wait till he sees the back, I giggle to myself.

He steps away from the red head that was wrapped around his arm. She snarled and latched onto the next available man.

His arms wrap around me, I feel his warm hands on my bare back. I took a sharp breath in, he whispered in my ear, "you look gorgeous. This backless dress was made for you."

Goosebumps rose on my skin, my neck tickled in heat. He stepped back with a heated smirk, his eyes then turned to Laura who was looking around awkwardly.

"Oh! Laura meet Axel!" They shake hands and he introduces her and i to his friends. His one friend named Marc is eating Laura up. She's doing the same so I'm not worried. His second friend who is actually more of Marcs friend is named Carter. His eyes haven't left my body. It's kind of creepy.

He's got a girl with him who is dying for his attention, I move further away to try and get out of his sight. Axel noticed and pulls me to the other side of the circular bar.

"You look amazing. Have I said that yet?" He grinned.

I smiled, "you look pretty good yourself, Decker."

The bartender comes up and takes our order before getting a couple more orders. Our drinks come within minutes.

I turn to face the dance floor, placing both my elbows on the bar behind me. I spot Laura and Marc dancing awfully close. Axel cages me in against the bar, putting his arms on either side of me. Pressing his body close to mine. Not quite touching but close enough to make me want to move closer. His face is hovering over mine, I tip my chin up to look at him.

His smile is gone but he could melt an iceberg with his gaze right now. Movement to his right catches my attention and it's the red head staring at us and walking over to us. She looks annoyed. But I'm about to piss her off, I look back at him and smile seductively.

Wrapping my hands around the back of his neck I lean up while pulling his head down and crush our lips together. He groans before moving his hands off the bar to pull me on closer. I wrap my right leg around his left calf just wishing I could climb him right now. I gently bite his lip before pulling away, my eyes open to find him smiling like a fool.

"That was hot." A voice came from next to us.

We look over at the same time, his friend Carter is there. Alone, that girl isn't with him anymore.

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