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I haven't seen Axel in a week, which is fine honestly, we've been texting a bit but I know he's busy, he told me his dad needed his help with business stuff.

Today I'm going to Marilyns and James's house. He's at work so I'm gonna give her some company, I don't usually work Saturday's and they just got back from their honeymoon, seems like I haven't seen her in ages.

I threw on black leggings, with a lavender colored thin zip up hoodie, I had a white tank top under but there was a breeze outside so I needed a little sweater. My beloved black nike shoes that have been with me for 3 years, they don't look like it but I go on runs with these. I run every blue moon, when I get a burst of energy that I can't seem to work off that's when I run for 4 miles. It's the only reason I'm not 400 pounds, besides hiking.

On the drive to Marilyns I picked up some iced coffee, and a decaf one for her. Cold or hot I always get iced coffee. Only around Christmas do I opt for hot chocolate. Now sitting in Marilyns kitchen while she makes us some lunch, I realized how big her belly as gotten in just one week. Not ginormous yet but I see the bump down, on her lower abdomen, small round area, if I hadn't known she was pregnant I would've though she gained a little gut.

"How's my brother doing? Haven't spoken to him since the wedding. Didn't want to bother your honeymoon."

She smiled over her shoulder, I sat on a stool at her large grey Island. " he's good, happy to be working again. Also, You wouldn't have been able to even if you did, we made sure we disconnected from the world. We wanted to be completely in the moment. Hawaii didn't make it exactly boring so we didn't have time to sit on the phone even if we wanted too. Everything there is gorgeous, the people were beautiful and nice." Her eyes seemed to have glazed over as she was transported back to her honeymoon. Her and James's love story makes me want to experience that. Hopefully soon, I'd love to have kids by 30.

"We should go again, but with family this time. James was saying we should celebrate our wedding anniversary every year there. I would love that. My parents were so in love, true love," she turned back to the pot to stir the pasta. "They use to dance in the kitchen, he would come in while she cooked and pull her to him for a couple seconds and just dance. She listened to music while she cooked, she made sure I saw how in love they were and would always tell me 'if he doesn't dance with you for no reason at all, he's not the one' it's funny because the first night James came over and I was cooking, he did what my father did to my mother. It didn't feel real, I ended up crying so I ruined the dance but I couldn't tell him so soon and scare him off. I told him after we dated for a year. I think sometimes my parents handpicked him from heaven for me."

My eyes watered and she wiped away tears from her face, James loved to dance, always had. We actually use to pretend we were in a ballroom when we were really young and got my stuffed animals as our partners and danced for what seemed like forever.

"I am so sorry they aren't here anymore, but I am glad you found my brother, he's lucky to have you." I reached over the island and touched her hand.
She smiled thankfully at me, "yeah I'm sorry too, but they gave me hope and it all worked out. Do you want a lot of sauce?"

"No thanks just a little, I'll set the table." She nodded towards the cabinets by the fridge, "that's where I have the plates and cups, the drawer below that has the utensils."

After eating we put on a movie, had some wine, laughed a bit and cried a bit.

The door opened, we both shot up, James walked in and loosened his tie. His eyes met Marilyns and I felt the love between them instantly, dropping his suitcase on the couch on his way over to her I look back at the open door to give them some space. Before I could get up to close it a pair of long legs stepping through the opening.

My eye met familiar Hazel ones, oh wow. The dark gray suit clung to Axels body perfectly. His hair slightly disheveled from his hands I assume. He smiled at me, "Hey, sunshine."

I mentally face palm myself, why did I get that nickname started? "Hey, Decker."

He walked over and sat in a single seater couch a couple feet from where I sat on the couch. His long legs stretched out, placing his elbows on his knees he looked at me. "Didn't know you'd be here," the way he smiled was almost sweet, almost. More like a smirk, yeah that's probably what it was.

"Ditto." I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had an affect on me so I looked to where James was with Marilyn. They were smiling at each other while they spoke softly, in their own little world.
I didn't want to burst their bubble but I needed to take Axels attention off me. "Hey big brother, how was your day?"

He gave M a kiss on her head before answer me, "same thing as always. Got a new client and she is crazy. Wants to divorce her husband but get like 80% of what he owns. He had her sign a prenup so if she gets anything will be a miracle."

"Why would she sign a prenup if she's a gold digger? Seems like she is, at least." Marilyn asked, I agreed.

"Maybe she's one of those women who were catered to so she trusted him. Maybe she didn't really think anything of it or didn't know what a prenup was." I guessed, everyone should know what a prenup was though, right?

"Yeah well, I can't go too in depth with the details cause it's still an open case but it's stressful. I told Axel to meet with me here so we can hang out."

My eyes flew to Axels and he was already looking at me, my heart jumped into my throat. Nerves causing my stomach to do flips and feel odd. His stare was intense, like he was look right through me. Uncovering all my secrets and dissecting my mind of anything and everything. Not possible but still kind of what it felt like.

"Yeah, works been busy so I could use the time off and relax a bit." His lip twitched up as he glanced at James.
"I can get started on dinner, Riles come help me, please." Marilyn got up and stares at me as of saying 'hurry up!'
It's dinner already? Where did the time go? I got here around noon.
Getting up I smiled at the guys with a little finger wave and followed her into the kitchen.

She spun around to face me, "holy cow y'all are so into each other."

Stunned as if she smacked me my head reared back, "what?"
Whispering she got close so I can hear, "you guys made the room all thick with tension. The good kind."

"How do you know? You were too busy star gazing in my brothers eyes," I roll my eyes with a small smile.

"Oh please, we were watching you guys, he said it himself. He think Axel has a thing for you. He spoke to him at the wedding."

He what!?
"He what?" I mean he obviously did but still about me?
"Yeah he denied anything but James knows him. And he's into you."

"Aren't we supposed to be cooking?" trying to change the subject I hope she doesn't push.

"Yes, this isn't over though. Go ask them if they would like Meatloaf for dinner." She shoed me away, glad I averted the third degree I skipped out the kitchen.

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