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I sipped my beer and glanced around the bar, it's dead. What did I expect for a Tuesday night?

"Hey Axel. Getting any chicks tonight?" Cole, my cousin shouted over the music.

He ran a hand through his dark long shoulder length hair, I shook my head, "nah."

He grunted getting off the bar stool, "fine. I am going to get laid." He chugged on the last of his beer then sauntered off into the crowd. There are like 5 women in here, I don't see any that catches my attention not that I'm interested in a one night stand tonight anyways.

"Here Max. See you when I see you." I called to the bartender, placing $150 in front of him.

He nodded and snatched the money, "you always pay me so much ax. See ya" he waved me off before tending the bar.

I nodded to Cole as I swung the door open, "hey, watch it!" A high pitched voice screeched. I looked down to see a tall red head looking at me, her eyes widened before she tripped over herself, falling forward to me by 'accident'.

Women do this all the damn time, it isn't even surprising anymore. I bite my tongue because I was raised to not disrespect women.

"I'm sorry. I should've been watching where I was going." I steadied her by holding her arms length away with my hands on her shoulders.

Her hands grabbed my wrists, "oh! No don't apologize. Its my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. Maybe I can show you how sorry I am. Some where private." She purred grabbing my hands and moved them down south to her backside. I snatched my hands away and visibly cringed, "um.. No." I tried to side step her, she blocked me.

"Come on, your cute, I'm pretty. Together we'd be pretty cute." She winked reaching for my hand. He had to give her props for that line, but still didn't want anything to do with her.

I grabbed her shoulders softly and moved her over, "no, thank you" I ignored her pout as I turned, walking away as I quickly as I could, then I called my driver.

"Hey, I'm on Elmer ave, and Dixie road. I'll be waiting by the thrift store... Yeah...okay thanks." I hung up and walked across the dark gray gravel.

It was nights like this that made me feel lonely, one bad relationship and I let it take over my life. Well, not 'take over' per say.. more like I let it control my love life. I've become cynical about love, skeptical even. sorta.

About ten minutes later my driver pulled over, I smiled as he opened my door for me. "Thanks Jerry. " sliding in to the KIA I sent him a thankful grin.

"Anytime, sir."

When the car started my phone beeped.


Are you coming? The wedding is in two days
I'm freaking out dude. Am I making a mistake? Oh God. I love her man. What am I saying?

I chuckled and hit the call button, it rang twice before I heard my best friends voice.

"AXEL! Oh I'm having cold feet. Is this manly?" He practically yelled through the phone, I could just imagine him pacing around as one of his hands rub his eyebrows.

"Dude. Calm down. You love her right?"

"Yes." He said it instantly.

"You proposed right?"

"Of course I did."

"So then calm down. I'm going to the airport tomorrow morning, your gonna marry her."

"Okay." He then hung up. I don't get a " thank you, Axel Decker! You are an angel from above!"?


"Good Morning, Mr.Decker. we should be arriving in Weastleaf, Riverdale in approximately 20 minutes." My personal flight attendant grinned as she strutted back to her seat, I would've normally taken a commercial flight but it was a last minute decision to go to Colorado today.

My private jet is  small, since I have it designed just for me. My last name is engraved on the wings in bold red print, the body of the jet is white.

As I looked out the window I thought of my little sister. She is 16, I haven't seen her for 4 months. My family lives in Riverdale, Colorado. I live in Manhattan, New York.

I moved away to start my business, I had an opportunity to start my dream and I took it. I have always wanted to open my own restaurant. Colorado wasn't Ideal because the opportunities were scarce and at the time I knew that New York would be the best place for my dream.

That is where I met James, He attended law school in New York, I met him through a mutual friend at a party. We have a lot in common, although I didn't grow up in Colorado like him, I had moved there in high school. We didn't attend the same school, that explains why our paths never crossed. He was 25 when we met, I was the same age. Although I did not have my restaurant then, I was working hard to get everything I needed to do just that.

It wasn't until I turned 26 that I finally got enough money to purchase a great place in a up and coming area in Soho. I got to open, 'The Deck', a bar/ diner, later that year. My business ended up failing, so my dad mentioned he wanted to open up a office in New York. Since I lived here I could manage it without him. Thats what we did, Two buildings, one in Colorado, one in New York. Since my mother got sick, I took over as CEO at 27. Which got me unwanted attention from women including my manipulative ex.

I don't like living far from my family, As I age I realize how precious time really is and have been contemplating a move back to Colorado for some time.

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