Master of Tokugawa

Start from the beginning

        Tokugawa was not the place it was portrayed as to outsiders. The Mage's Association thought of it as a program that could be used as a protector of mages. An organization to bring peace just as in the Tokugawa era of Japan. This was not the case at all. The director, a man of mysterious power and (y/n)'s current guardian, had turned Tokugawa into a hell. (Y/n) was created to bear the strain that summoning heroic spirits put on the human body. The way he came to know what life was still scarred him til this day.

        "(Y/n), when are you going to stop letting this happen to you?" Mordred asked. Her hold on him tightened as if he were about to be ripped away from her.

        "It's alright, Mordred. It's supposed to be this way," he spoke aloud knowing that the director was monitoring everything. "I promise you, I'm going to kill that bastard with my own two hands. And I'll break all of your contracts so that you'll all be free to live as you please in this world," he thought. The director could not read minds nor could he monitor the thoughts (y/n) shared between his servants.

        "You're a fool..." Gilgamesh responded, but (y/n) knew the King of Uruk very well. Those words were the closest he'd get to a compliment while the king was upset.

        "Just give me the order. I will vanquish him in an instant. That man, although masking himself as one of good, is nothing but evil. I will destroy him upon your command," Arjuna Alter chimed in although the servant was not in the vicinity.

        "Let's not get carried away here." Salieri joined the conversation. "Until (y/n)'s condition stabilizes, he needs the technology here at Tokugawa, and guess who is the only one that can operate that stuff."

        "Master, I think you'll rest better if you're in your room," Mordred said. It was obvious in her voice that she wanted that conversation to end. "Wolf, come over here and help," she instructed. Lobo snarled at her. "I don't want to hear it. You're just scared," Mordred snapped at him. Lobo gave a whine in response followed by what sounded like a growl of frustration. When (y/n) opened his eyes, the wolf was there to help out.

        "Haha...I know I said I was fine, but honestly I feel like crap," (y/n) muttered. He wasn't bleeding anymore, but the wound hadn't exactly closed just yet. Mordred helped him to his feet and Lobo lifted him by the collar of his shirt as if he were carrying a puppy.

        "You were just assaulted. No one would be fine after that," Salieri commented.

        "If you put it that way, it sounds like I'm some sort of crime victim..." (y/n) complained. "Okay, no. I am. That hurt," he promptly yelped when Lobo dropped him onto his back.

        "Wolf!" Mordred snapped. Lobo let out a half bark at her scolding. (Y/n) wished he could understand the Avenger servant, wondering what had been said. Mordred climbed onto Lobo's back on her own and took her place in front of (y/n). He didn't hesitate to lean onto her shoulder and hook an arm around her to keep himself from falling. She used to snap at him for even looking at her the wrong way, but nowadays, Mordred let him get away with a lot. She looked over to Caster when he didn't join them. "You shouldn't stay behind," she told him, clearly referring to the director's earlier words.

        "I don't fear the threats of filth," Gilgamesh scoffed.

        "Not for your safety. I could care less about that," Mordred muttered. "Just come on. You're going to make Master worry," she added. Caster said nothing nor did he take his place on Lobo's back like Mordred suggested, but he did walk alongside Hessian Lobo as the wolf headed to (y/n)'s room. Salieri had kept quiet as they left, but it was clear that he was also bothered by his master's situation.

Fate Series: Mordred OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now