13- summer palace

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Thara: yes master Gulf....

Gulf: Thara...

Thara: yes Master...

Both were laughing...

Gulf: Thara...

"Master!?" Some one shook him...

Gulf got up and caught the hand that was shaking him "Thara"...

"Iam Mew" the voice was laced with hurt and pain...

Gulf's eye widened and looked at the surrounding, he was in his chambers, sitting on a table chair with books scatter around... looked like he slept while reading...

Then he looked at Mew with worry but his face was emotionless...

Gulf: huh... Mew... that was....

Mew: it's already late my master, everyone is waiting for you master...

Gulf: Mew....

Mew: I will wait outside master... if you are ready then we shall start my master...

Gulf: Mew...

Mew: then I will leave, my master...

Gulf: Mew wait...

But Mew turned fast and left the chambers, something was bothering him...

All he heard when he went to wake up Gulf was "you are my slave you should call me Master Gulf..... Call...."

And the Prince calling someone's Name..."Thara".... he is getting headache just by hearing the prince call the name... he is irritated..... how can he call someone's name in his sleep and why is he acting like a jealous mate... Mew shook his head and went to do some chores so that he could get some distraction...

Gulf tried to think what had just happened.... why did Mew insist on calling him master?.... is it because he called out some other name?... is Mew jealous? Or angry?....

"Arrrrg... what have I done now"... sighing he got up to get ready for the journey... he has one week with him to fix things.. Will he get any alone time with him?.....

Everything was ready when he got out... Mild was waiting for him with Boat near a carriage...

Mild: Gulf....

The only person outside his family to call him Gulf... they were friends and known eachother from childhood... and his father was the chief of staff...

Gulf: Mild, how are you?

Mild: iam fine, let's get going... we should reach there before noon or else...

Gulf: or else what?

Mild: I will get tanned...

Gulf rolled his eyes at him...

Mild: but seriously I feel today will be too hot than other days....

Gulf looked around there were minimal gaurds.. around 5-6... a cook and 2 assistants for him and Joss and Mew.... Joss gave a smile but Mew looked blankly at him..

Soon everyone started off... with Mild and Gulf inside a carriage...

Mild: ok I will tell you some things about heat...

Gulf: like what?

Mild: last time was your first one so it was intense... but now you can control it to some extent....

Gulf: controlling?

Mild: only nights will be worst... in the day the intensity reduces...

Gulf thought about last time... yes it was bearable on the days and Nights were worst...

Under the Stars and Moonlight (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin