When they were finished, they quietly returned their things to Louis' room, not wanting to wake up Jack, and left the building. They walked to Louis' car and, even though he begged, Louis would not tell Harry where they were going. However, when they pulled into the parking lot, it was easy for Harry to figure it out.

"The zoo?" Louis looked over to see Harry grinning widely, eyes bright. He reached for Harry's hand.

"Yup," Louis assured, parking close to the entrance as the lot was fairly empty given that it was still quite early. Louis led them to the gate where he paid for their tickets while Harry talked about the last time they had gone to the zoo, with Lottie and Fizzy in the summer. They had driven up to the Ponderosa Zoo, about an hour from Doncaster, and had gotten lunch with the girls before returning them home in the evening. It was a great day.

Harry and Louis' day at the zoo was just as great. They saw the zebras and warthogs. Louis made a joke about Harry looking like a giraffe, given that he had about two inches on Louis at this point, a stark contrast to when they had met and Harry was shorter than Louis. However, this only led to Harry comparing Louis to the meerkats, which the older boy did not find funny.

By three that afternoon they had seen just about everything in the park and were hungry, not wanting to spend their money on the overpriced food in the zoo.

So they left the park and swung through a McDonald's drive thru, getting a quick lunch which they ate on the way back to the dorms.

"What're we doing tonight?" Harry asked as they walked through the halls back to Louis' room.

Louis smiled and wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulders. "There's this area called Soho, thought we could go there. There's bars and such and it's pretty close."

Harry leaned into Louis, "I'm not eighteen, I don't think any 'll let me in."

Louis squeezed him, "Let's just try."

And Louis was right. Once the sun began to set, they set out once again with Jack and Alif, sharing an uber to a street teeming with bars, small groups of people crowding the sidewalks. The whole thing was very aesthetic and was exactly what Harry pictured when he imagined Louis living in London. He pictured coming to this neighbourhood and getting drunk in a bar with Louis. It was almost too much.

Jack, being from around London, had an idea of what bars wouldn't care about Harry being underage and quickly got them a booth at a quieter place before bringing a round of beers to the table.

So they drank and laughed and Harry tried not to get quite as drunk as the night before which was easy when he and Louis just started sharing drinks, meaning Louis drank most of each one.

They all took an uber back to the dorms when Jack deemed Louis and Harry unbearable. Usually, they were quite reserved in their PDA but they were drunk and Soho was known for its LGBT scene so there were lots of other gay couples around which made them feel much more comfortable in expressing their affection. Unfortunately for Jack and Alif, however, this had begun with Harry sitting in Louis' lap and had quickly progressed to the two of them making out, Louis straddling Harry while Harry's hands found home in Louis' back pockets. They were having a good time but Jack insisted there were some things he never wanted to see.

Back at the dorms, Jack very loudly informed them that he would stay in the lounge for exactly one hour before coming to bed which just made Harry giggle while Louis shouted, "That means we can have sex."

And they did. They didn't go all the way but they got each other off and it was nice and intimate and sweet, exactly the way that they liked it.

They fell asleep in each other's arms before Jack even returned, Harry foregoing his usual post-sex shower but with the way that Lous was clutching him tightly, he really couldn't bring himself to care.

When they woke up the next morning, it was with an air of lethargy. They reluctantly dressed and shoved Harry's clothes into his backpack, Louis swapping one or two of his hoodies for Harry's when the younger boy had his back turned. Harry helped Louis make his bed and said a quick goodbye to a half asleep Jack before sluggishly following Louis to his car.

They drove to the train station, Louis staying five below the speed limit the whole time and squeezing Harry's hand every time a car honked before speeding past them.

Louis walked Harry into the station, their hands intertwined tightly while Harry held his ticket loosely in his free hand, shoulder sagging under the weight of his backpack and emotions.

And then they were standing in front of Harry's train and there were only five minutes before it was set to depart. Harry let his backpack fall to the floor and shoved his ticket into his pocket before pulling Louis tightly into his arms. Louis sniffled and gripped him just as close, pressing his face into the older boy's neck.

"Stay here with me," Louis whispered, "You can stay in my dorm and do your classes online, graduate early and come to school with me in January."

Harry pulled back and smiled weakly, "Louis."

"Come'on babe, I'll sneak you food from the kitchens."

Harry sighed, "Come home with me. Go to school in Manchester or Liverpool or wherever or do it online. Wait for me to graduate and then we can go wherever, I'll go with you anywhere, Lou."

"I can't," Louis said, voice just a notch above a whisper.

"I know," Harry replied before tugging Louis in again.

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