I promise ill make you happy- Gallavich

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Aged up AU
Bipolar mentions because Ian is bipolar! If you're sensitive to this subject please skip.
"Ian? You in here?" Mickey asked as he slammed open the door to their shared bedroom.
Ian popped his head out from under the covers and looked hazily to his boyfriend.
"I heard what happened. I came to check on you." Mickey replied softly.
"It's fine. Please go away."
"I'm not leaving. Not tonight. I'm staying."
"Mickey, fuck off."
"No. I'm staying and that's final. If you want to stay in bed all day that's fine but I'm not leaving this property."
"Fine." Ian growled and threw the covers over his head.

Mickey had started dinner by cooking up some pasta and sauce. Mickey sighed aloud when he realised he'd have to tell Ian to come eat. Mickey turned off all the possible hazards and made his way to the room.
"Ian? I made spaghetti for dinner. Wanna try to eat?"
Ian didn't respond so Mickey decided to give up. Mickey muttered a couple curses to himself and pinched the bridge of his nose as he walked away from the bed and out of the room.
"I'll leave some in the microwave."
Mickey knew that Ian would get up later and go get some food when he got hungry so he let him know where he could find it.

It had been about six hours after dinner was initially prepared when Ian got up to go to the kitchen. Ian seemed to remember the spaghetti left in the microwave and walked to it. He opened the door to it and got the plate out. He threw a little bit of cheese over top and sat down at the table to eat. Mickey peered around the corner and just watched for a minute or two. It made Mickey feel better knowing that Ian would live to see another day. Mickey decided to stop being a creep and go to the guest room in Ian's house.
After a while of just laying in bed, Mickey decided to check on Ian. It was now close to two in the morning so Mickey had agreed with himself that Ian should be asleep.
Mickey walked in quietly and saw Ian out on his bed without blankets on him. Mickey sighed as he pulled a blanket from the foot of the bed over Ian's body. Mickey pulled the covers right under Ian's chin and then flattened it out. He took a moment before removing his hands too far from Ian's face. Mickey lightly dragged his thumb over Ian's cheek and he slowly leaned down to kiss Ian on the temple softly.
"Goodnight Ian. I love you."

The next morning Ian was up and ready to go even before Mickey had woken up. Mickey checked on Ian tiredly but was snapped out of his morning haze when he saw that Ian was gone. Mickey ran down the stairs and checked everywhere frantically.
He soon made his way to the kitchen to see Ian making coffee.
"Well good morning." Ian said softly.
"What the fuck! I thought you'd ran away! You scared the shit out of me."
"Sorry Mickey." Ian took his cup to the table and sat down "There's still some left if you want some."
Mickey nodded and got a cup out. He poured the rest into the cup and sat down at the table.
The table was silent but Mickey caught Ian staring for a while.
"You going to say something?" Mickey asked.
"Why do you still care about me?"
"Well Jesus Christ, I thought you were going to say it love you' or some shit like that, not that fucking depressing piece of shit."
"Why do you still care about me?"
"What the fuck are you even talking about?"
"I told you to fuck off yesterday. I told you that I didn't like you a couple days ago. So why do you still love me?" Ian was about to cry. The tears had threatened to spill.
Mickey sighed and wiped his face with his hands. Mickey stuttered over a sound that couldn't be made out to be a word or even a letter and then he tried again.
"Okay. I still love you because I know that the things you say aren't you. I know that the words you think you mean don't mean shit because it's fueled by whatever is in your head. And I know that even if you did truly mean the things you said, I wouldn't and couldn't stop loving you. It's not an option. You could fucking rip me apart limb by fucking limb and tell me all of these shitty things but all id think about is you telling me you love me and me saying it back." Ian looked like he was about to fall to his knees. Ian grabbed the back of his head and started to cry. Mickey scooted his chair over and wrapped his arms around Ian. "I couldn't stop loving you even if you begged me to."
Ian grabbed fistfuls of Mickeys shirt and cried onto his shoulder. After a couple minutes of crying and hugging, Mickey parted himself from Ian.
"Hey, I have an idea." Mickey got up and went to Ian's room. He grabbed the comforter off of the bed and walked to the laundry room. Mickey threw in the comforter along with a dryer sheet that he always used -that he forgot to bring back home- into the dryer. After the dryer went off, he took it out and found Ian sitting on the couch like Mickey asked of him.
"Here, wrap this around you and come here."
Ian wrapped the white blanket over his body and pulled one of the corners up to his nose. He scooted into mickeys arms and Mickey started to talk about all of the dates they went on.
"That was my favorite date." Ian laughed as he remembered Mickey falling on the hard ice.
"I was not a beautiful skater."
"You still aren't." Ian looked up at Mickey and Mickey slightly glared at him. Ian stretched up and kissed Mickey on the lips.

"Come on Mickey, get in the warm blanket."
Mickey wiped his eyes and got into the newly dried comforter with Ian.
"Don't be sad. How can I get your mind off of it?"
Mickeys body just shook as he tried to catch his breath in hitches.
"I'll just talk about our dates then."
Mickey placed his head on Ian's chest as he told Mickey about all of their dates.
Mickey was halfway to falling asleep when he spoke up.
"Yeah bub?"
"When you're sad I'm going to do this to you."
"Do what?"
"Wrap you up in a blanket that smells like me and tell you all of the reasons I love you to help you smile. I promise, one day, I'll make you happy like you made me happy." Mickey looked up at Ian and smiled at him.
Ian put his thumb and index finger under mickeys chin and lifted it so he could press a kiss to his lips.

Mickey felt happy as he felt Ian's lips against his own and in a moment his sadness faded away. Ian no longer needed to feel sad because he was with the one he loved. And Mickey had fulfilled a promise that day that he knew he'd always keep.

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