Neighbors and savoirs pt 1- Ethan Nestor

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I walk to my side compartment by my door that holds a lot of junk and grab my keys out of the dish on top. The cling and jingle in my hand as I pull on my shoes. I open the locked door and step out into the cold night air. I lock the door behind me and turn to see Ethan.

"Hi Ethan." I say as I leave my house as soon as he enters his.

We've been neighbors for about three years now and we've always dont this thing where I'd walk into my house and he'd walk out or vise Versa. I was going out on a date with a guy Id been talking to.
"Hey y/n." He walked in without another word and went into doing whatever a youtuber does in their daily life. I shrugged and walked to my car making my way to the restaurant. We sat and ate and talked like every other date I've been on, nothing special or new to me about this guy then the last. He said his name was hero and he looked like a trust fund baby. Total daddies boy and walks in designer combat boots. He seems to just ramble on about his expensive cars and how his mom loves him. I just got so annoyed but I'm great at acting so I played it off like nothing, like I was having fun.

We end the date and walk to his car. I told him where to go. It was dark and kind of scary because of the silence.

"Okay then you are going to take a right here." He turned on his left turn signal and I furrowed my brows.
"I said take a right."
"I know." He said smirking and then covering my mouth with some sort of cloth. I try to scream and kick away but within seconds I was passed out in the passenger seat of my kidnapper.

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